Kiera Roche, strategic development officer for the Limbless Association, said the Kuwaiti government volunteered to take Ali.
CNN: Injured boy Ali lands in Kuwait
Kiera Roche, strategic development officer for the Limbless Association, said half the battle for Ali is his mental state.
CNN: Ali's plea prompts huge response
Now the Limbless Association, a UK-based support charity, has set up a fund to help victims of the war in Iraq.
CNN: Ali's plea prompts huge response
Quinn recently made a 12 ft version of one of his marble sculptures "Alison Lapper Pregnant", a limbless woman who is eight months pregnant.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | Newsnight Review | Marc Quinn
Ali, who also suffered severe burns to his torso, is among a group of children flown to Kuwait by the U.S. military for vital treatment, the UK-based Limbless Association charity told CNN.
CNN: Injured boy Ali lands in Kuwait
The government will now work with service charities, including Help for Heroes and The British Limbless Ex-Service Men's Association (Blesma) as well as NHS specialists, to create new high-quality NHS facilities for prosthetic limb provision and rehabilitation.
BBC: Rehabilitation at Headley Court
Sue Stokes, national coordinator of Reach, a UK family support group for children with upper body disabilities, said Ali would have to "get used to his body image, " especially as the stigma of being limbless is different in various countries.
CNN: Injured boy Ali lands in Kuwait
But a new breed of life-saving robot is being developed that take their shape and movement from those limbless reptiles, and, it is hoped, will prove invaluable not only in search and rescue operations but also be a great asset to human surgery.
CNN: Snake robots slither to the rescue