Despite less than gaudy stats, a Super Bowl victory would catapult Sanchez into Madison Avenue limelight.
Colorful eccentricities aside, Mr. Kelley is also a shrewd businessman who avoids the limelight.
Forget big-name venture capitalists, who now shun the limelight and tend to their wounded portfolios.
My time in the economics limelight declined when we floated and international issues faded.
FORBES: Farewell to James Parthemos (Richmond Fed Research Director)
And this, once again, leaves the English in splendid isolation, hogging the world's soccer limelight.
WSJ: Gabriele Marcotti: European Soccer's Christmas Vacation
It comes, after all, from a racecar-loving billionaire who hardly hides from the limelight.
Thanks to his confrontational style toward celebrities and, most especially, politicians, Gentili quickly stole the limelight.
Rachel, who's also played bass for indie band Schwervon, seems comfortable in the limelight.
Though the film immortalized the DeLorean DMC-12, DeLorean the man had faded from the limelight.
Besides Limelight, Akamai competes with other players like InterNAP Network Services and Level 3.
But some notable smaller players, such as Russia's Yota, could grab a share of the limelight.
It restores balance to a play in which Malvolio's scenes can hog the limelight.
Hutton's General Outfitters (Exeter and London), but the limelight called him, as it did her.
Banks are still staggering about in the limelight, but the same fate surely awaits them.
Sometimes the hijacker wants no part of the limelight but is swept along for the ride.
He keeps out of the limelight and has not been heard from much.
Sacha Baron Cohen avoids the limelight - he prefers to let his comic creations do the talking.
But walking around, one gets a palpable sense that every garage awaits its moment in the limelight.
FORBES: A Dollar And A Dream: Making The Case For Venture Capital
But with his divorce finalized, at least Woods is back in the limelight for his on-the-green actions.
FORBES: Tiger Woods' New Golf Game Experiences Record Sales, But He's Not on the Cover
It competes with players like InterNAP Network Services and Limelight Networks in the online content delivery business.
FORBES: Akamai Accelerates Online Shopping Customer Growth, Doesn't Look So Badly Overvalued
That limelight is coming not only from the Recording Academy, but from the business side as well.
At one point he was posted to India for two years to remove him from the limelight.
Some are dubious about the last of these missions, suspecting Mr Bercow of characteristically seeking the limelight.
ECONOMIST: It��s best not to know how John Bercow was elected
Mr Mesic spent several years in the political wilderness but he was never out of the limelight.
Other "content delivery networks, " with names like LimeLight Networks, Savvis and Mirror Image Internet, have popped up.
The tennis season practically spans the entire calendar as well, keeping the top pros in the limelight year-round.
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Elbow are the biggest current Manchester band and have been in the limelight for more than 10 years.
Chen says she was never as outgoing as sister Jenny and had shunned the limelight at Trend Micro.
FORBES: Asia's Women In the Mix: Eva Chen Battles the Hackers
The offering merely pushed the former unknowns into the limelight, with which they are still slowly getting comfortable.
Newer entrants such as Limelight Networks and Level 3 Communications are targeting the booming area of online video.
FORBES: With AT&T And Others Breathing Down Its Neck, Akamai Will Be Lucky To Be A $30 Stock