They gathered aboard the Silver Whisper cruise liner moored for the occasion on the Neva River.
I've become a case-study in VC fossilization, a Luddite one-liner, like Ken Olsen and the PC.
"The analogy we have is this is like turning around an ocean liner, " he said.
Cameron underscored the parallels between the young woman and the liner in other ways.
Patented Track Zero to hide extra tracks of music, liner notes on CDs and DVDs.
The origin of this was a funny one-liner told at computer conferences in the 1990s.
Without a life jacket she was sucked underwater by swirling currents as the cruise liner capsized.
First of all, there is no mention of a guitar in the liner notes.
It was owned by William Wilson, an engineer on the ill-fated Belfast-built liner's maiden voyage.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Titanic blueprint to be auctioned
Between April and October 103 liner visits are scheduled to Guernsey, Alderney, Sark and Herm.
MIF's patrols, but a cruise liner festooned with flags does not slip past unnoticed.
Or how thicker padding in the roof liner helps keep the interior quieter than before.
Mr Evans said the auction could see the puzzle bought by a museum, hotel or cruise liner.
The 2, 200-passenger liner also was meant to double as a troop transport ship if war broke out.
' We give them a little one-liner to get them from being confused to understanding the concept.
This passenger liner sank off Cape Bowling Green in 1911, leading to the loss of 122 lives.
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Mascara, loose powder, lip liner and lipstick are just part of the suggested Sam Fine beauty regimen.
In 1952, the liner United States made the fastest-ever crossing of the Atlantic, on her maiden voyage.
"An owner buys a team like he'd buy a luxury liner, " says Clemson University economics professor Raymond Sauer.
Gibbs' obsession with creating the perfect ocean liner has now transformed into his granddaughter's obsession with saving it.
Campania, a Clyde-built, Blue Riband-winning Cunard liner wrecked in the Firth of Forth just off Burntisland in 1918.
Ferreira recalls a one-liner from the late Brazilian humorist known as Basunda(ph), who was especially beloved in Rio.
Do you remember the scene where the brothers are on board a liner en route to New York?
New York brand in January launched a new applicator with its Eye Studio Master Duo Glossy Liquid Liner.
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One was the little Cunard liner Carpathia, eastbound that night en route from New York to the Mediterranean.
The liner notes are written by Ashley Kahn, who you often hear on this program speaking about music.
We already know foreign specialisation has squeezed the Brits out of most merchant, ferry and cruise liner building.
Both men will then be in their 80s, but Mr Advani, a hard-liner, is much the less decrepit.
The "no dig" technique involves inserting a liner impregnated with a special resin into a sewer or drain.
The passenger liner sank after hitting an iceberg en route from Southampton to New York in April 1912.