• Watson is even trying merchandise tie-ins with record companies to link Sunglasss image to trendsetters in the entertainment world.

    FORBES: Fashion statement

  • In Mr Gore's case in particular, there are good reasons to keep oil prices in the spotlight: they provide an easy link to Mr Bush's ties to the oil industry, which is currently making record profits.

    ECONOMIST: Pump fiction | The

  • But improving these tools has been slow going, largely because the higher-education lobby has fought federal efforts to create a "unit-record" system that could work across state lines to link students' educational and employment histories.

    WSJ: Are Bachelor's Degrees Worth It?

  • Michael Morgan, an experimental psychologist at Sussex University, admits that there are holes in the experimental record that need to be filled before the link between the drug and nasty long-term effects moves from correlation to causation.

    ECONOMIST: A scientific row has broken out over the effects of Ecstasy

  • The British security forces had no desire to see the reopening of the Aghalane Bridge, a major link between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic, according to newly-released documents from the Public Record Office in Belfast.

    BBC: British favoured closing Aghalane Bridge

  • To pre-order the record, titled "In Rainbows, " fans can click a link and this is what they get: A black space where the price should be.

    NPR: New Radiohead CD to Debut Online

  • That iOS app, Cube Jam, allows you to record and play along with tunes from your iDevice and connects via the i-Cube Link stereo auxiliary input from the headphone jack of a slate or handset.


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