Lipper gets its numbers from the "Statement of Additional Information" that funds file with the SEC.
In 1954, long before there was a Lipper or a Morningstar, the magazine published its first performance ranking.
"On average quant funds seem to perform about average, " says Jeffrey Tjornehoj, research manager at Lipper.
It seems to work: Marc's was named top global fund over five years by Lipper.
Lipper FMI reports that money finally started to flow into mutual funds this year.
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For investors adding dividends, A. Michael Lipper, president of Lipper Advisory Services in Summit, N.
And the average diversified American equity fund is down 41% for the year, according to Lipper.
Weinblatt's USAA fund has a 15-year average return of 6% and yields 4.9%, according to Lipper.
Where Lipper has no number on commission costs, the expense total is italicized.
Lipper ranked it the top commodity fund last year with an 8.5% return, after 1.9% in fees.
This year, with help from fund data house Lipper, we have added in brokerage commissions paid by the portfolio manager.
Where Lipper doesn't have a current brokerage figure, we use the previous year's and flag the result with an e.
The alternative is to look backwards, as firms such as Lipper Analytical and Morningstar try to do.
According to Lipper, international-stock and emerging markets funds dropped 20.5 percent and 23 percent for the quarter, respectively.
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The company boasts that its 15 ETFs now offer the lowest fees in each of their Lipper categories.
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In Lipper Analytical's ranking, six of the global top 10 were in Russia.
That puts it among the country's five best-performing funds, says Lipper Analytical Services.
Michael Peace, Lipper's chief executive, also talks of ways to evaluate hedge funds.
To look at two extremes, we ran a Lipper screen on funds that own the popular, broad U.S. stock index.
By comparison, the average diversified stock mutual fund manager, according to Lipper, had a total return of 12.37% last year.
The average emerging markets fund, which invests in small or developing stock markets, has fallen 2.8% this year, according to Lipper.
In addition, many services from the big data firms--Lipper and Morningstar--that until recently cost a bundle are now free on the Web.
The average closed-end fund tracked by Lipper Analytical Services has a 1.34% annual expense burden, the sum of overhead and management fees.
It also prompted the most three-week inflows of individual investor funds since 2001, according to Larry Kudlow, citing Lipper data.
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So, they give a pitch about how the Lipper fund managers are very clever, and notice the subtle connections between this and that.
Last year, our Small-Cap Value Fund ( AVFIX) won the Ten Year Lipper Award as the best performing small-cap value fund in the category.
The fund placed 501st out of Lipper's 506 multicap growth funds.
Fund-tracker Lipper Inc. reports that over the last two weeks U.S. stock mutual funds experienced the highest two-week inflow of new money since April, 2000.
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His five-year performance trumps every single stock fund in Lipper's database.
The Lipper Emerging Markets Fund index average return was 20.08 percent.