Of course, the assembled clerics of the world are not going to listen to me.
Listen to me, I promise you that no harm will come to the children.
Dr. HAYES: They listen to me, and sometimes they hear what they want to hear.
The letters complained "no one wanted to listen to me before, " according to the affidavit.
"This will be very quick because I know you don't want to listen to me, " he said.
And I think that because I am African-American, single moms listen to me.
If I thought she'd listen to me, I would have reminded her that our family's motto could be, 'Love goeth before the fall.
Then it's my friends: Can I create something they will think is cool even though they have to listen to me bitch all the time?
When I first got Mindy it was pretty hard because she didn't listen to me, but now she does and she knows a lot of commands.
Unidentified Man: (Singing) Yeah, won't you listen to me baby.
Ms. WILLIAMS: It's a factor to the extent that the mother - and single mamas listen to me here when I say this - to the point where the mother makes it an issue.
To all of the children out there who feel lost, who are struggling with your weight, with the color of your skin, your sexual preference, your disability, even the acne on your face, listen to me right now.
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But the bottom line is that a larger number of people are willing to pay a considerably larger price to watch college football than they are to listen to me discuss wage disparities and income inequality in my Principles of Microeconomics class.
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And one of the aspects of the job that I like the best is, I spend, as you all know, once a week on the phone with somewhere between 7 and 12 of you, and we've now had -- you've had the misfortune of having to listen to me answer your questions, at least a hundred and, I think, 15 of you.
There are tons of girls like me that need to listen to a girl like me to make themselves feel better.
Ms. IRMA MUNOZ(ph) (Listener): Hi, I'm Irma Munoz from Mission, Texas, and I listen to TELL ME MORE on the Web.
NPR: Attitudes of Gratitude: Listeners Give Thanks - Part III
"It was a weird dichotomy, to have one half say no and the other half say yes, but it never occurred to me to listen to the investors, " says Ms. Thiers, now 35.
If you want to tell me what you listen to, I care.
FORBES: When You Take the Friction Out of Sharing You Also Remove the Value
Then I watch TV and go to bed, but sometimes I bring my iPod with me and listen to some music.
Then, one day, my father told me to watch it again: "Right, now listen to this song and tell me what you think Alice in Wonderland means".
I'll gladly pay to have Little Steven tell me what to listen to.