He could use part of his transition to tour the world, certainly listening to friends and rivals alike but also gently making clear the limits of his presidency.
Still, he may take some comfort from the fact that the University of Pathein has finally reopened and is thronged with students, who, on the Saturday evening I was there, crowded the teashops along the road leading to the campus gates, chatting, reading, flirting and listening to noisy music as students do the world over.
But most families do not have the rest of the world listening to every word.
Yet they all inhabit an extreme emotional world, and listening to the whole cycle is a disturbing and enriching experience.
After we lost the World Club Challenge the other year, he spent half an hour listening to my dad telling him how he was putting a ladder up to the loft.
Reading and listening to the comment, it is easy to believe that the financial world is held together with tissue paper.
This video shows even more: Commanding the headset is as easy as uttering the words "OK, Glass, " a clever use of real-world speech to engage the device's listening mode.
It's perhaps the only festival in the world where you can watch camel racing while listening to amped-up desert blues, where hawkers sell headscarves rather than burgers and where you can camp in a Tuareg tent among miles of empty sand dunes.
But today I met the Prime Minister here in London and my feeling is that - no, very fortunately, the world is not walking away from Afghanistan and not listening its attention to Afghanistan.
Being unable to engage in the simple art of listening effectively leaves you lost in your own one-dimensional world.
Whoever wins the presidential election will find himself governing in an inter-connected world where listening to our overseas partners and competitors is more critical than ever.
With an astounding suite of audio technologies in the SB-Axx1 chip, Sound BlasterAxx delivers dramatic enhancements to two of our fundamental daily activities in the intricate new world of audio: listening and talking.
ENGADGET: Creative announces Sound BlasterAxx wireless speakers with mics (update: hands-on!)
Also, my dorm's high-speed Internet connection allowed me to stream music from noncommercial stations all around the world, like BBC Radio 1, to see what we would be listening to stateside in another six months.
Listening to a General Manager of a telecommunication technology company lament about his pipeline reveals the extent to which the old world is clashing with the new.
Listening to your heart, do you really think that so long as many bright people in all corners of the world were victims of a mirage in front of their test tubes and in front of their calculations?