The knowledge imparted during the course goes beyond the simple acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills.
In addition to basic literacy and numeracy skills, learners receive a livelihood skills education.
So-called edutainment titles teaching children literacy and numeracy skills in an enjoyable way have had some success.
It shows that some 200 million young people need a second chance to acquire basic literacy and numeracy skills.
UNESCO: A lost generation in the making - 'Le Devoir' (Canada)
The poor and disadvantaged are the most likely to have low literacy and numeracy skills and lack the ability to find decent work.
Gender disparity also remains a persistent problem: of the 124 million adults in East Asia without basic literacy and numeracy skills, 71 per cent are women.
The first is an entry-level initiative designed for illiterate individuals, and the second, an advanced level, targets workers who already have some basic literacy and numeracy skills.
In developing countries, around 200 million young people need a second chance to acquire the basic literacy and numeracy skills, which are essential to learning further skills for work.
As a result, most children graduate from the primary school level without having mastered basic literacy and numeracy skills, and many of them fail to proceed to secondary level.
UNESCO: Integrated Intergenerational Literacy Project (IILP)
In addition, participants who have higher levels of literacy and numeracy skills are encouraged to attend formal adult fourth grade evening classes at a school that partners with the project.
While literacy and numeracy skills are not required for CHW recruitment, experience has shown that CHWs are more effective in their work when they have at least basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Published in November, the review by former college principal Huw Evans said some employers and universities do not think that a grade C at GCSE English, Welsh and maths is a reliable indicator of literacy and numeracy skills.
So far, one external evaluation has been carried out in order to assess the effectiveness of the methodological approach employed by AAEA. In 2008, DVV International evaluated the extent to which APLICA has successfully achieved its goals in teaching basic literacy and numeracy skills, and has improved the quality of life of learners and facilitators.
Earlier this month, Ofsted inspectors warned of the problems created when pupils start in secondary school without adequate skills in literacy and numeracy - and how a lack of these basic skills becomes a barrier to learning other subjects.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Struggling pupils get extra help
Improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so that recognized and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills.
The Scottish Conservative amendment calling for children to be properly schooled and tested in the basic skills of literacy and numeracy by the end of primary 7, fell with 15 votes for and 106 against.
The report says there are up 12 million people holding down jobs with literacy skills and up to 16 million with numeracy skills at the level expected of children leaving primary school.
National education systems are judged not only by the proportions of students who complete specified levels of education but also on the extent to which graduates possess the literacy, numeracy, and other skills necessary to function as workers, citizens, and family members.
That means ensuring primary schools equip children with the basic skills of numeracy and literacy.
The current failure to deliver basic skills of numeracy and literacy during the day should be addressed as a "matter of urgency".
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Jail's education plan criticised
This provides free tuition for adults who have skills below GCSE level - with national Skills for Life qualifications in language, literacy and numeracy.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Poor basic skills 'costing firms'
The National Adult Literacy course addresses a broad range of skills including reading and writing, basic numeracy, listening actively and responding appropriately, developing ICT skills and self-strategic learning, applying problem-solving techniques to real life situations, engaging in critical and consensual discussion, planning performance to attain goals and enhancing interpersonal skills to improve teamwork.
This emphasis on literacy and numeracy was welcomed by the Confederation of British Industry's director for education and skills, Susan Anderson.