Despite the success of this first substantial venture into literary criticism, or what F.
UNESCO: The Uses of Richard Hoggart
Literary criticism became the coinage in which old family feuds were paid and repaid.
WSJ: Book Review: New Ways to Kill Your Mother
Unusually, a little more literary criticism would have augmented the picture, especially some appraisal of Stevenson's chiselled, graceful style.
ECONOMIST: Literary lives
The reader in search of literary criticism, or even the origins of absurdist thought, will not find it in the three new biographies.
ECONOMIST: In search of the real Camus
Step outside literary criticism and other intriguing possibilities bubble up.
FORBES: Magazine Article
At Dalkey Archive Press, a publisher of fiction, poetry, and literary criticism, Davies says he expects a book editor at the Press to have a solid grounding in the traditions represented by the company.
FORBES: The Lives (And Salaries) Of Magazine And Book Editors
Such are the mysteries of literary criticism.
NEWYORKER: Once Upon a Time
The latest example, which manages quite epically to combine both those forms of snobbery, comes from Sir Peter Stothard, editor of the Times Literary Supplement and Man Booker Prize judge, who has expressed fears that the standard of literary criticism has slipped and that book bloggers are some sort of literary kryptonite that will destroy the industry.
FORBES: Who Reviews The Reviewers?