Unfortunately, for a minority of people today, dropping litter seems to have become the norm, accepted even.
Litter bins, manhole covers, copper cables and memorial plaques have been targeted, as well as sculptures.
It also gives birth to one offspring at a time, rather than a litter.
To correct the issue, make sure that your cat has more than one litter box available.
Jeff Yates, from the Litter-Free Guiseley Campaign, said more wardens were needed to tackle the problem.
BBC: Leeds City Council uses security staff as litter wardens
The extra wardens will target anyone "blatantly dropping litter" or not picking up after their dog.
BBC: Leeds City Council uses security staff as litter wardens
In some cases, three males were responsible for the cubs of just one litter.
Ambulances kept arriving with more and more until every cot and litter was taken.
As an extra security measure, litter bins were also removed from the 42-kilometer route.
Makeshift checkpoints sprang up, with litter bins, bricks, gates and uprooted lamp-posts used to block cars.
The school is also educating students about not feeding the birds or dropping litter.
Inspectors were also concerned about the poor physical condition of the prison, litter and graffiti.
Till recently, it has been better known for its litter and the world's largest stray-dog problem.
Halle Berry said she would pick up litter in the streets to clear his path.
Plastic bags are banned to prevent litter, and modern hotel rooms are in limited supply.
Success principles litter the self-help sections of bookstores and fill up podcasts and magazine articles.
Manchester City Council is the first local authority to tackle litter in this way.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Litter louts are named and shamed
The charge is among a range of suggestions aimed at cutting litter and protecting the environment.
The last litter pick on the lake saw two vanloads of rubbish taken away.
If she is anything like her sister, Ms. Able is hoping for a big litter.
There will also be additional monitoring being carried out at known litter hot spots.
At a picnic spot north of Hernandez, the litter bins were surrounded by coyote tracks.
He likes to volunteer in his local community by helping with training new police recruits and litter-picking.
Not a whole lot of kitty litter, but it's pure profit for a company that has none.
Avoid switching litter brands, clean the box frequently and pay attention to the amount of litter inside.
Perhaps more interesting though is the potential for natural hydrates that abundantly litter the shallow ocean floors.
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For instance, any name with an ecological bent, like Cleaner Greener, Purely Green, and even Litter Green.
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He remembers when he was 7 and his grandmother was trying to sell a litter of puppies.
Director of Operations, Peter North, said the Environmental Protection Act meant the council could prosecute litter droppers.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Litter louts are named and shamed
That amounted to almost 5000 pieces of litter per kilometre of shoreline cleaned around Northern Ireland's coast.