Residents in Levittown watch the first presidential debate and find little in common with both candidates.
Yet aside from his athletic abilities and financial acumen, Gillette has little in common with past protagonists.
These places, which tend to attract healthy folks in their 80s and 90s, have little in common with nursing homes.
But he has little in common with the turbanned scholars of Egyptian tradition, or the fiery militant preachers of the 1980s.
ECONOMIST: A reassuring message from Egypt's Muslim militants
Besides, many of the claims that the USDA is recognizing now have little in common with the average American's understanding of discrimination.
WSJ: James Bovard: Rotten Tomatoes for a Billion-Dollar Farm Payout
The new middle class has little in common with those idealistic students.
Even Hong Kong, whose economy has little in common with Thailand's or Indonesia's, saw its share index slide nearly 15% over three days.
The places the Tories do well in have little in common with those they must appeal to if they are to make headway against Labour.
At first glance, GrandCentral has little in common with Google.
They have little in common with Mr Antal's stylish main film, in which faces, reflected in mirrors or caught in slivers of light, appear and disappear on a darkened screen.
Generation X (those born between 1965 and 1978) is a group that grew up with financial and work insecurity and has little in common with Generation Y or baby boomers, believes O'Neill.
This in deference to its corporate sponsor, Citigroup (nyse: C - news - people ), the world's biggest financial institution, which otherwise has little in common with Pasadena, floats or football.
Younger, pre-adolescent children can be sent to specialized schools where the focus is on learning life and basic education skills, rather than making them fit into regular schools where they have little in common with their peers.
In that Thursday Wall Street Journal op-ed, Mr. Scowcroft makes three main discernable claims: First, that Saddams goals have little in common with the terrorists who threaten us, and there is little incentive for him to make common cause with them.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: New York Sun Sheds Light on Scowcroft Agenda
The sleek little start-up, a prototype of the type of company that is supposed to catapult Hong Kong into the information economy, has little in common with its creaking, clanking neighbor save one thing: here too, the air is filled with the smell of money going up in smoke.
The only way to remain successful now is by continually moving in to growing markets--even if these markets have little or nothing in common with where you've been historically.
It buys only minority stakes in companies with very little debt, a practice common in emerging markets.
Now, if this news leaves you with mixed feelings, then you have something in common with some Little Leaguers.
They have little in common, but they now both face the next financial year with 2.3% less cash from the Treasury.
However, by digging a little deeper, we notice that Apple also has a lot in common with companies like Comcast that provide content distribution.
FORBES: To Buy Or Not to Buy: Strategies That Make Sense For Apple
She was a grave and silent little person with the disconcerting habit of holding your gaze unblinkingly, as if you had nothing in common.