Then head for Mustafa's, the bustling, overstuffed department store in Singapore's Little India district.
From Bae Bo, walk south for excellent food in Chinatown and Little India, or north for the plant- and garden-focused The wet market.
Venture into Little India to buy saris, Bollywood CDs and bindis.
Now Vatsaloo, 52, is the proprietor of a small gallery outside Singapore's Little India, Isan, where he sells the shimmering silks of Baan Borang as shawls, table runners, slipcovers and purses.
Savour the flavour of Little India, Italy and Poland, or revel in the rare flora in High Park, the cool hipness of the Annex or the vibrance of The Village.
For a start, the little manufacturing India has tends to be quite high-end.
ECONOMIST: India and China: Friend, enemy, rival, investor | The
Indian airline tycoon Rahul Bhatia, little known outside India, has created a big splash in the aviation world.
The venture is run with little intervention from India (most of the project team is Australian), but aligning their thinking was essential, he says.
But if that happens, it would mean higher yield for investors willing to take on a little more risk in India.
India spends a little over 4% of its GDP on healthcare, compared with an average of 8-9% among developed countries.
The south, encompassing the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, comprises a little over a fourth of India's population.
With Kallis and Klusener out of the way, India found wickets a little easier to come by.
In the time we have left Anand talk a little bit if you would about India and China.
Yet there is little love in the village for India's grand old party.
So, tell me a little bit if you would about India and China, which are both such big players on the economic stage right now.
This is a little different than our trip to India in the sense that, as I said, the economic relationship that we have with the Chinese is different on a scale with what we do with India, which is why some of the commercial diplomacy around the India trip was so significant.
There are little signs that an economic recovery in India will be as strong as the government is anticipating, Moody's said.
This reflects worries that Congress is making little progress in winning back support in India's Hindi-speaking northern heartland, and needs his dynastic charisma.
The moral universe may be getting smaller but, despite the shifting of a few high-profile figures, it seems that India is ready to do little more than shrug.
India's greens have little love for their accidental allies.
And the rest of India's batsmen fared little better as Thomas, who has yet to play international cricket despite being picked for South Africa's tour to India in 2004, took 5-32 from 15 overs.
The latter has been the world's leading spinner in the past couple of years, but he was a little lackluster in last year's India series, claiming 13 wickets in the four games at more than 40 runs each.
WSJ: Richard Lord: England, Pakistan In-Step Going Into Test; Cricket
Half of the World's children are immunized by vaccines made by a little-known company, Serum Institute of India, in Pune.
The tourists, perhaps surprising India by ending their innings a little earlier than expected, then nipped out two big wickets before lunch.
And its parent draws most of its management and all of its support from India which can sometimes be a little frustrating.
Leg-spinner Cameron White will arrive in India on Monday but will have little time to prepare, leaving Australia with a tough selection choice.
Online dating hasn't really taken off in India, mainly because most marriages are arranged and there is little tradition of dating, according to Anupam Saxena, a correspondent for Medianama, which provides news and analysis on India's digital landscape.
India's financial sector has had little exposure to the toxic loans that sparked the credit crisis in the West.
India lost their remaining nine wickets in little more than a session, marking another disappointing performance with the bat.