There is little or no growth in the EU and the economies are slowing.
With prompt and proper responses, the IRS might agree little or no tax is due.
For Alex McCollough of Haslett, Michigan, camping involves a tent and little or no cell service.
But Dutch foundations are very loosely regulated and are subject to little or no third-party oversight.
He has tried Flonase and over-the-counter medicines like Claritin to little or no avail.
Among the beneficiaries of higher interest rates will be companies with little or no long-term debt.
Most of these scams hooked their prey by promising high income with little or no risk.
First, most cost cutting is easily matched by competitors, thus offering little or no competitive advantage.
Like other forms of renewable energy, geothermal power produces little or no carbon dioxide.
In commodity markets, such as oil and coal, there is little or no scope for differentiation.
"Britain had little or no rickets in the 1950s because of supplementation, " he said.
They've gotten a huge chunk of the electorate accustomed to paying little or no income tax.
But when the government is not so committed, aid has little or no positive influence.
Other contenders, such as Birmingham, Oxford and Cardiff, have little or no image problem to overcome.
Already, American car companies are producing electric vehicles that use little or no gas.
In the future, access to college may be nearly universal, with little or no tuition costs.
Detroit GM Joe Dumars caught little or no flack from bungling the Darko pick.
FORBES: NBA Draft 2012: Of Darko, Greg Oden and the Scariest Moment in Professional Sports
"This is the third year in which we have had little or no disorder, " he said.
BBC: Orangemen staged a verbal protest at the security barrier
The majority of our sales people came with little or no prior experience in sales.
They came from a neighborhood where several homes had little or no running water, he noted.
Children whose mothers speak little or no English start their education at a disadvantage.
Sugar could expand on degraded pasture with little or no effect on beef prices.
Requirements: Chefs and management have culinary training, but staff servers may have little or no experience.
CNN: Need a career change? Five jobs that let you see the world
For some types of operational risk, there are little or no data to collect.
But he said he had been drinking and had little or no recollection of what happened.
Such sentences had "little or no value" in deterring or reforming criminals, he argued.
Other studies have found divorce to have little or no impact on suicide risk.
ECONOMIST: Why do so many young Americans end their own lives?
Their common denominator is flattish revenues, declining operating margins and little or no earnings momentum.
Did you think that little or no clarification about time travel was okay by you?
So if parents pay enough key money, the newlyweds pay very little or no rent.