He would notice little things, like if the girls' shoes were scuffed or worn.
"They outrebounded us, they won the hustle today, the little things, " Carmelo Anthony said.
It is those little things that ultimately build stress for her in the workplace.
With this in mind, the little things start to look more and more important.
In the world of Latino outreach, sometimes, it's the little things that count for a lot.
Old media companies should think twice when one of those tasty little things beckons.
He described his brother as a quiet person who enjoyed the little things in life.
"You've got to do all the little things right first to beat them, " added Leuluai.
Her tennis shoes had little things doodled on them from sitting in her class lectures.
They didn't have to be great, but just good to do the little things right.
"We're doing the little things well, and our effort is there every night, " Nabokov said.
"Just little things ... giving them easy layups, " Westbrook told reporters after the game.
To open this conversation, I am going to share with you my little things.
Certain little things are actually the big rocks that can make or break your retirement.
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The little things done consistently make for a higher level of trust and better results.
FORBES: You Can't Be a Great Leader Without Trust. Here's How You Build It
When I take care of the little things, I feel more ready to tackle the large things.
Petrov, habitual noticer of little things, saw that his eyes weren't moving, meaning he wasn't actually reading.
Sometimes it is the little things that make the biggest impressions and illuminate the most far-reaching connections.
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And that starts with doing the little things, such as telling the truth, day in and day out.
But with planning, by letting the little things go, and taking full advantage of mobile technology, you will swim!
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"We just need to work on the little things in our game to keep our momentum going, " he said.
He or she is candid, transparent, available, supportive in the little things, and able to keep your confidences confidential.
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These little things can blur when the real need is for 360-degree clarity.
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"We're seeing the results of doing all the little things right, " Capuano said.
Our day began the next day with that same little yellow pad and all those little things on it.
Now I realise more money to support my husband in the house and buy little things for my children.
As you can see, even seemingly little things can make a big difference.
"Bukowski had a story that essentially was saying that it's the little things that drive men mad, " Waits said.
At every step of the way, I've been met with resistance - resistance on big things, resistance on little things.
Now, what remains is find common ground on all those little things that can make or break a new relationship.