They lack the firepower to inflict any serious damage to an LCS (Littoral CombatShip) or a carrier but they are perfect for slipping through and hitting a platform.
The Navy has gone back and forth for years about whether it should buy one version of the LittoralCombatShip or two, driven mainly by changing estimates of what each vessel would cost.
Unlike the densely packed destroyers and cruisers that dominate the current warship inventory, much of the LittoralCombatShip is empty space that can be reconfigured for whatever missions might arise today or tomorrow.
The basic idea behind the LittoralCombatShip is to build a fast and survivable warship that can operate at much lower costs in the shallow-water areas near enemy coastlines where frigates traditionally have been used.
At the same time, we accelerated or increased weapons programs needed to confront real and growing threats -- the Joint Strike Fighter, the LittoralCombatShip, and more helicopters and reconnaissance support for our troops at the front.
Vern Clark, the service invented a smaller, cheaper warship called the LittoralCombatShip that broke the mold on naval design and acquisition while potentially offering a warfighting system better suited to emerging threats than the legacy vessels already in the fleet.