Yes it is lovely to live in the countryside, but there is no public transport at all.
Most Indonesians still live in the countryside, where the village headman's future depends on ensuring a good turnout for Golkar.
Yes it is great to live in the countryside, if you have a good pension, private means or are in a well paid job.
Even in India, where some four-fifths of the population still live in the countryside and where Gandhian suspicion of consumerism runs high, the rising tide is improving lives.
In 1975 he founded the artistic movement the Brotherhood of Ruralists - artists who had left the city to live in the countryside - with then-wife Annie Ovenden, as well as fellow artists Jann Haworth, Graham Arnold, David Inshaw, and pop artist Sir Peter Blake.
For instance, cities are more energy efficient to live in than the countryside.
The government hopes its proposals will appeal to voters who live and work in the countryside as well as sleep there.
In the cases of those brought up in the countryside, regardless of where they now live, the correlations were as expected.
Most of these suspects live not in Pyongyang or even in lesser cities, but in the countryside.
Liberalisation has had a similar, if less trumpeted, effect in the countryside, where three-quarters of Indians still live.
Most of the poor are in the countryside, where more than 70% of Indians live and where reform is needed most.
ECONOMIST: India's economic reforms: Can India work? - India's economic reforms | The
We want our cities to be different in quite fundamental ways, we want them to stop leaking activity to the countryside, we want them to be better places to live in.
About a third of those live in the town of Minehead, but much of the authority's 280 sq miles of coast and countryside falls within Exmoor National Park.