Carnival parades, the "Krewe", liven up the entire month leading up to Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday.
As the story goes, Mercedes tossed a dinner roll, in an effort to liven up the lifeless party.
He tries to organize kids into groups so they can liven up the walls of this dinghy basement classroom.
He may have more to say if the share price does not liven up over the next year or so.
Uncle Slam, a game out for iOS, promises to liven up what might otherwise be a relatively boring campaign season.
The new contract is said to include rule changes, too, to liven up games with smaller pads for goalies and penalty shootouts.
As self-avowed "excitement eaters, " the couple would liven up the evenings at the hotel by diving off 11-meter-high rocks into the pitch-dark sea.
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Flush with funds, they are pouring money into restaurants and clubs that they hope will become hot and liven up San Francisco after dark.
On the other hand, if you can put yourself in the right frame of mind, it does liven up the experience of fetching yourself a glass of tap water.
Their camp-followers feed it to journalists who, in the absence of any real suspense over the actual decision, are grateful for anything to liven up the story.
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Yes, they can be distracting, but if we're talking about something that's intended to liven up a party, a chromatic cavalcade swirling around your entertainment center won't hurt.
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Administrators are finding new ways to liven up the experience.
Then there are Japan's brokers and salarymen, who in addition to mixing gold flakes into their coffee, also used slithers of gold to liven up sashimi and sushi rolls.
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She wants to find ways to liven up downtown.
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Rangers threw on substitutes Nacho Novo and John Fleck in a bid to liven up their frontline but the changes did not nothing to alter the pattern of a very one-sided match.
Some Windows users will scoff at the attempts to liven up the old system as pandering to more casual computer users, or as somehow making the system less capable of serious work.
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The man who changed baseball forever by out-homering entire teams, by compelling owners who saw the drawing power of his homers to liven up the ball, and by pushing the New York Yankees to such heights that the team built a new stadium perfectly designed for his swing, is still the king of the long ball.
He's done his best to liven things up, creating an undercurrent of suspense and some dynamic interactions.
You know, King scholarship has always been very lively, but I think that this will liven it up even more.
It is all pretty ritualistic and predictable so, in an attempt to liven things up, a couple of backbenchers are given their chance to shine - or otherwise - with brief speeches.
It's unlikely the language of dance will ever make it into the Assembly chamber but on Sunday Politics Wales you'll find out just how keen some Assembly Members are to, well, liven things up a bit.