And over 1.5 million Georgians are registered with state social service agencies as living in poverty.
"The people of South Africa living in poverty are saying they are not okay, " he said.
Born in rural Mississippi, she spent her early years living in poverty on her grandmother's farm.
Those who protect the status quo must answer to the 46 million Americans living in poverty.
The number of children living in poverty has increased over the last 30 years.
In 1978, the year Superman came out, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were living in poverty.
Other missions provide cash handouts to the elderly, the disabled and mothers living in poverty.
In 1996-97, the year before Labour took office, the number of children living in poverty was 4.4m.
He could work for Greater Boston Legal Services, a legal aid group serving people living in poverty.
But the recession left many Uruguayans living in poverty and prompted thousands of younger people to leave.
The swine flu virus can have more serious effects on people living in poverty, the WHO says.
But charities say thousands more living in poverty are missing out because eligibility criteria are too strict.
Newark is one of America's poorest cities, with over a quarter of its people living in poverty.
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There is no research supporting the claim that minimum wages reduce the proportion of families living in poverty.
It will take 6.57 billion diapers to keep every American baby living in poverty clean and dry this year.
She believes the government needs to do more to help those living in poverty, particularly as the recession deepens.
Let me say that again: More than one in five children in the United States is living in poverty.
According to U.S. Census figures, more than 46 million Americans were living in poverty last year, an 18-year high.
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Among seniors (65 and older) living in poverty, 54 percent used public library computers for health or wellness needs.
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Today NIEER ranks Texas eighth in terms of access, which reflects a large number of children living in poverty.
The number of Malaysians living in poverty, 35% in 1982, is now 5%.
The government has to build that out or witness the rise of a massive population living in poverty in retirement.
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"Most of the families that we're dealing with are not just low-income, but they are living in poverty, " Nares said.
When non-white women in America are twice as likely to be living in poverty than are their white counterparts?
We have millions of Americans who are working hard every single day for minimum wage, living in poverty in America.
Partnerships and innovation are key to saving lives and creating economic opportunity for people living in poverty throughout the world.
The percentage of people living in poverty here is more than double the rest of the state, according to census figures.
Over time, the proportion of the population living in poverty, as measured by some objective and absolute standard, should be declining.
This led some forecasters to predict that 100m people, half Indonesia's population, would be living in poverty and short of food.
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We also embrace venture capital and technical assistance for start-ups, with bold, disruptive business models aimed at helping those living in poverty.
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