In truth, most began in kitchens, living rooms, or the back booth at Denny's.
Will we someday be trudging around in place in our living rooms to play games?
He spoke to them as though he were sitting with them in their living rooms.
But a funny thing happened on the way to our living rooms: viewers failed to tune in.
We don't get as many people into our living rooms today, but we start asking personal questions.
What are the advantages of reaching customers away from their living rooms, their TV sets, their magazines?
The celebrity making machine with its focus on interesting personalities brings celebrities into our living rooms daily.
The view from my office is the position the world watched shock and awe from their living rooms.
It's two against one strategy in full effect, people, and it doesn't look good for our living rooms.
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Microsoft is expected to unveil a new generation of set-top consoles for living rooms in the next few months.
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Each apartment has fireplace-bedecked master suites and living rooms, 20-foot-tall great rooms, and private elevators that access every floor.
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It was in your living rooms and backyards and VFW halls and diners where our movement for change began.
Now Mr Ecclestone wants to use the wizardry of digital television to take grand prix further into people's living rooms.
It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston.
For the past sixty years, TV executives have been making the decisions about what we watch in our living rooms.
Game developers like Harmonix have paired their games with a drumset and a guitar to turn living rooms into rock arenas.
Bill Gates' grand scheme to license the world's art masterpieces and have them flash onto wall monitors in people's living rooms fizzled.
People now see their cars as an extension of their living rooms.
Viewers gathered around the world, in squares, restaurants and living rooms.
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Buyers can still get formal dining rooms or living rooms if they prefer, although the new space can accommodate an 8-to-10 person table.
He replaces headlights with DLP projectors, miniature versions of those humongous projector TVs that used to be found in living rooms in 2001.
The uncertainty will make for some surprise winners, both in the Dolby Theatre (formerly the Kodak) and in wagering living rooms across America.
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End users can spend more time listening to Internet radio, and do it in the comfort of their living rooms or wherever they choose.
Singer songwriter Mike de la Rocha is engaged in a massive community based tour Living Rooms Across America Tour focused on youth empowerment.
In classic David versus Goliath style, the activists worked out of their living rooms to prove the validity of their claims in British courts.
While 70% of the "thousands" the company says it has sold since since October ended up outside living rooms, 30% went directly to individuals.
Fewer than one elector in four made it to the polls, and voters in Labour seats were particularly reluctant to leave their living rooms.
Both have large, open living spaces on the second floors, with kitchens, dining areas and living rooms and two bedrooms each on the third floors.
For me, it was about conversations on front porches and in living rooms where people would welcome me into their homes and into their lives.
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There is no such precedent for Apple TV and consumers have yet to express the collective need to move PC-based content into their living rooms.