Guinea worm is a non-fatal disease transmitted by water fleas living in stagnant water.
This is because the numerous social and economic benefits of living near water tend to outweigh the risk.
"It might surprise some to learn that a species so well adapted to living around water actually needs to be taught how to swim, but that's exactly what happens, " he said.
Worrell's Living Machines are water recycling systems that drastically reduce water use and can eliminate sewer discharge.
You know, for generations, men and women who call this region home have made their living from the water.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Oval Office Address on BP Oil Spill & Energy | The White House
Of course, the most efficacious solution to living in a water-poor region is simply to move, which is what de Villiers himself did.
The slick left many who draw their living from the water and coastal wetlands "watching and praying, " said Tony Fernandez, owner of the Breton Sound Marina near Hopedale, Louisiana.
It added that over the next 25 years the number of people living in regions where water resources are tight is likely to rise from 1.7 billion to about 5.4 billion.
Water affects all living systems and many things we need: energy generation, biodiversity, food security, human rights, health, sanitation.
By working with landowners, he is hoping to help protect water voles already living in the area and is encouraging them to spread.
BBC: Conservation project in Goole aims to boost water voles
Which is what makes them so attractive to people like Eric Lohan, who is the research manager for Worrell Water Technologies' Living Machine division.
Until about two weeks ago, the family had been living without heat or hot water, relying on electric heaters to keep warm and showering at friends' homes.
The sweep of the continent into the sea creates a biomass buffet at the tip of the Louisiana boot, endowing the area with natural gifts in and near the water, both living and inert.
We had been in our rented, deceptively spacious houseboat in Amsterdam for about the same amount of time, and we were given a first-hand glimpse of what living half-submerged in water was like during the moderate yet wet Dutch winters.
FORBES: Daily Travel Flashback: Keukenhof Gardens, Lisse, the Netherlands
Once emitted, it persists in the environment for a long time - circulating through air, water, soil and living organisms - and can be dispersed over vast distances.
When police raided an illegal traveller camp they were living in at Hamble in Hampshire in June 2011, the men were found living in tents with no running water.
BBC: John and Billy Connors jailed for forcing men to work unpaid
Households that are in receipt of benefits or tax credits and have more than three children living in them can claim a water bill discount through the Water Industry Charges (Vulnerable Groups) Scheme.
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women states in Article 14, para 2(h) that women have a right to adequate living conditions, including access to water, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child maintains in its article 24, para. 2 (c) that all children have a right to the highest attainable standard of health through the provision of adequate clean drinking water.
Water fanatics can earn their living on the sea by working as charter boat captains.
It's a small project but the emphasis is utmost on water conservation - environmental sustainable living.
BBC: NEWS | In Depth | 2003 | World Forum | Water | Global village voices: Water
Plus living in a garden shed without hot water according to Bill McKibben.
It's a bit different if you are in Spain, and living just a few miles across the water.
People living in the village have been bailing water from their homes for several days after rising groundwater levels at Gypsey Race at Boynton.
At home I remember the cyclists, one of them in their eighties, who I met on a very windy Saturday morning riding around a twenty mile course in New Longton to help people living in the developing world overcome their water shortage.
Many families living in camps now have access to clean water, which they did not have before the earthquake.
You can watch the surrounding city from indoors and see a landscaped, energy-saving, water-collecting, "living" roof from one level above.
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On the ground floor, the dining room, living room and study offer views of the water, framed by long steel windows.
Aside from the sweltering daytime heat and the freezing night-time temperatures, the biggest problem for folks living in desert regions is finding sources of water.
When we think of Earth Day, many of us think of good ol' hippies bent on living off the electrical grid, drinking spring water from somewhere and recycling everything -- bottles, shoes and lint maybe.