Local official Peter Owusu-Ashia told Reuters that another injured miner later died in hospital.
One other local official was fired and five others received warnings or administrative demerits, Xinhua said.
WSJ: Chinese Woman in Forced-Abortion Case Claims Harassment
State-run Ashorooq TV, quoting a local official, reported Thursday that the collapse killed more than 60 people.
The thought that their doctor might now report them to a local official, he says, could be disastrous.
As proof, they have to show identity cards, or an affidavit signed by a priest or local official.
Five people died at the scene and three others who were injured died afterwards, according to a local official.
At least three non-Pakistanis were believed to be living at the home that was the target of the raid, local official Abdul Hameed, told CNN.
They are accused of murdering a local official three years ago.
Its mayor is Ray Mallon, a controversial police chief turned local official who showed an early interest in zero-tolerance measures and was elected as an independent.
The marriage came to light when the man complained to a local official, saying the girl's family had taken her back and he'd been ripped off.
The company said garages would need to be provided with written proof from a local official dealer that the car could not be converted to run on alternative fuels.
Michelangelo was the son of a local official and had the Pope for a patron, while Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn grew up fatherless and was sent by the state to prison camps.
In Bangladesh, at least 10 wooden trawlers carrying about 150 men sank off Cox's Bazar, a coastal resort south-east of the capital, Dhaka, a local official told the Associated Press.
The house covers most of the hole, and a local official said crews would try to move the building forward to enable surviving family members to retrieve their belongings from it.
BBC: Florida sinkhole: Jeffrey Bush home partially demolished
The marriage came to light when the man complained to a local official after his new wife left him, saying the girl's family had taken her back and he'd been ripped off.
Dr. Hadi Al-Yami, who runs the commission's branch that covers that area, told CNN that the group sent an investigator to a courthouse where the man had complained to a local official.
Director Cordray, who previously served as Franklin County Ohio Treasurer, Ohio State Representative, Ohio State Treasurer and Ohio State Attorney General, spoke about his experiences as a state and local official and the importance of the CFPB partnering with local enforcement organizations to prevent predatory lenders from taking advantage of the American people.
Local fire official DO Adusa said survivors were withholding information about the operation.
The candidates there are Travis Childers (D), a local court official, and Greg Davis (R), the mayor of Southaven.
Twenty more people were being questioned in connection with the case, local police official SM Afzal told the BBC.
Of its 9, 000 residents, only 2, 300 were found, the state TV quoted local emergency official He Biao as saying.
The club's license had expired in August and had not been renewed, a local fire official told Globo TV.
CNN: Brazil nightclub fire: 'Like a war zone' with bodies piled
The candidate was safe, but two other people were killed and three wounded, said local government official Abdul Haseeb Khan.
As a local energy official, Ms Rousseff kept the lights on after a drought in 2001 led to electricity rationing.
Mr Rajoelina was sacked by the government on Tuesday and replaced as mayor by Guy Randrianarisoa, a local city official.
After you vote, you can help yourself to a homemade peanut butter cookie made by a local elections official, Diane Chauncey.
The station put the number of passengers at more than 100, though a local police official said it was about 80.
"We are sending security forces to rescue the passengers, " Sarvendu Tathagat, a local government official in Jharkhand, told Reuters news agency.
Rather than wait for your local government official or a private developer to respond, you can take matters into your own hands.
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The club's license had expired in August and had not been renewed, local fire official Moises da Silva Fuchs told Globo TV.