Prop 19 allows for local regulation, which would inhibit operating at scale.
Other concerns are about the potential loss of local regulation with locally elected representatives of the local councils and others who've been appointed on fishery committee's because of their experience and knowledge.
Smaller local utilities complain that self-regulation lets the big generators tie them into loss-making long-term contracts.
The local government will be evaluating the regulation in a month, after which it could turn into a by-law, he added.
Michigan Bell Telephone, the Court unanimously upheld an FCC regulation requiring providers of local telephone services to make the entrance facilities of their telecom networks available to competitors at cost-based rates.
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But now those firms are more broadly vulnerable to both regulation and litigation when any local member firm, now part of a large cross-border group, screws up an audit.
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Emirates has also thrived by entering markets in the rest of the Middle East, Africa, South-East Asia, India and Latin America that had hitherto been poorly connected to the global air-transport network because of over-regulation, the absence of a strong local flag carrier and the indifference of established airlines.
It will streamline and simplify both the legislative framework and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency's regulation of activities which cause pollution at a local and national level.
These platforms are also increasingly capable of providing ancillary services to the local utility such as spinning reserve, load-following regulation, and intermittency management for wind and solar energy.
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In fact, Summers' study says that the boom in employment regulation has had several negative effects on business in local communities.
Its most important and unique financial regulation is the ownership clause that ties teams to the local community.
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The Working Group also targeted services, the regulation of which is complicated by history, culture, and local practice.
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Its shareholders endured six years of disinterest and disdain in the markets, which disliked the industry for myriad maladies--overcapacity, crashing prices, onerous regulation, takeover turmoil, imperiled monopolies and a decline in local phone lines for the first time since phone service began a century ago.
In particular, many local banks and credit unions are too small to be covered by the new regulation.
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The committee also received briefings on the Local Government Finance Bill, the Cam Road landfill site, and the Better Regulation Strategy.
Second, these funds are not subject to comprehensive federal regulation such as ERISA. Rather, they are governed by state or local statutes that differ dramatically and many of which offer little guidance.
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Lack of tougher regulation is one reason why some potential competitors to Telmex have yet to offer local service, despite having held licences for over a year.
In the end, a sensible approach to gun violence would, among other non-law enforcement steps, include prohibitions directed at assault-type weapons, more regulation of handguns, less regulation of traditional long guns and working to make sure that federal, state and local law enforcement have the tools to enforce the laws relating to firearms.
But it does not want cheques to be included in the regulation, arguing that these are an inefficient payment mechanism that should be discouraged even at local, let alone cross-border, level.
The Salvation Army was asking the administration to create a federal regulation to prevent religious charities that receive tax dollars from having to adhere to state and local laws that forbid discrimination against homosexuals in hiring.
In the UK, the availability of cheap GPS devices, and a mistaken belief that it was permitted under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, led to covert tracking being used by public authorities, including local councils "without properly considering the application of the legislation, " according to watchdog the Surveillance Commissioners.