In Scotland, summer is the second most famous myth after the Loch Ness Monster.
"We finally caught the Loch Ness Monster with a camcorder, " King attorney Milton Grimes said.
Malcolm Sutherland, Loch Ness event director, said the marathon has attracted a record number of entries.
If he has solved the mystery of Loch Ness, or washed dishes at The French Laundry, it's never been written about.
Like the Loch Ness monster, those PAAF bonds keep coming up.
He is also credited with naming the Loch Ness Monster 'Nessiteras Rhombopteryx' so that it could be registered as an endangered species.
In another crash, a Dutch woman was named by police as the victim of a two-car crash on the shore of Loch Ness.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Road calls after weekend of death
In fact, Dr Paxton says, analysing the eye-witness accounts may tell us more about ourselves than whether or not the Loch Ness monster exists.
BBC: Loch Ness Monster: Is Nessie just a tourist conspiracy?
What does Dr Paxton - who is using the Loch Ness phenomenon to analyse how science handles anecdotal and low frequency data - think?
BBC: Loch Ness Monster: Is Nessie just a tourist conspiracy?
Hamish Wood, a councillor for Aird and Loch Ness, is a keen cyclist and was recently appointed chairman of the Highland Cycling Campaign Group.
The site also lets you send a Loch Ness Monster e-mail postcard, buy a book on the legend and study the X-files-like Ness Files.
Highly respected British surgeon, Colonel Robert Wilson, claimed he took his photograph on 19 April 1934, while driving along the northern shore of Loch Ness.
BBC: Loch Ness Monster: Is Nessie just a tourist conspiracy?
The incident happened on the first stage of the Highland Car Club Snowman Rally in Glenurquhart Forest, at Balnain, five miles west of Loch Ness.
Gary Campbell, president of the official loch Ness monster fan club, said Mr Sundberg could be in trouble if any of the creatures were harmed.
While 1, 300 other runners headed off on Sunday's Loch Ness marathon, Mr Scott took the plunge at Fort Augustus, where the Caledonian Canal meets Loch Ness.
Along the way it will also fly by zip wire from the Tyne Bridge, cross Loch Ness and visit landmarks including the Giant's Causeway and Stonehenge.
Mr Sundberg says Loch Ness is home to up to 60 families of monsters, and maintains his global underwater research team has no desire to hurt any creature.
Mythology has the Loch Ness monster looking like a Plesiosaurus.
He has trawled through old newspaper clippings, reports, books and records from the Loch Ness Investigation Bureau of the 1960s and 1970s, for all recorded sightings that peaked especially after the infamous 'surgeon's photograph' of 1934.
BBC: Loch Ness Monster: Is Nessie just a tourist conspiracy?
Drew Hendry, Aird and Loch Ness, said he strived to be efficient and was supportive of better public transport links, but added he also has to rely on his car or a lift in another vehicle.
Putting aside for a minute all of the good reasons why such a creature, much like its cousin in Loch Ness, could not exist, just looking at this video a few times will do the trick.
The cinematographer John Bailey is shooting a portrait of Werner Herzog, the soulful, disaster-prone German director, at the same time that Herzog and Zak Penn, a crass American screenwriter-producer, go off to Loch Ness to make a film about our spiritual need for monsters.
The tabloid Bild urges Britons not to turn their backs on the EU: "Dear Brits, please stay - after all, you're so beautifully crazy, " it pleads (using the English for "crazy") before launching into a paean to an eclectic list of "crazy" Britons that includes Prince Philip, Sacha Baron Cohen, Boris Johnson and the Loch Ness Monster.