Others, including families of some of those killed in the London bombings in July 2005 may follow suit.
But in the UK, contestants were not told about the 2005 London bombings, which took place during the sixth series.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Are housemates aware of race row?
In the hours after the London bombings, world leaders were quick to reaffirm their steadfast support for the war on terror.
The shooting of Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes in the wake of the London bombings in 2005 has proved the most contentious.
BBC: Newsbeat - The P Word - Training with armed police officers
In 2005, Chance reported from the scene of the London bombings in July and carried out investigative reporting on the terrorists responsible for the catastrophe.
CNN: CNN Profiles - Matthew Chance - Senior International Correspondent
After the London bombings, many Americans took comfort in the belief that immigrants to the U.S. are better assimilated than they are in Europe.
Kapur's news experience includes reporting on the aftermath of the July 2006 railway bombings in Mumbai and covering the July 7th London bombings in 2005.
We have two reports on America's response to the London bombings.
East Belfast Ulster Unionist MLA Michael Copeland started the ball rolling when he pointed out the reference to the London bombings in the welfare reform regulations.
By the time of the London bombings in July 2005, investigators still did not know (or had not tried hard enough to find out) Khan's name.
Memories of the 7 July London bombings and the Kings Cross fire are, of course, still raw and many would baulk at unmanned trains in the capital.
Mr Callaghan said Westminster's Department for Work and Pensions provided for certain unearned income such as personal injury payments which included compensation for those injured in the 2005 London bombings.
The story was only propelled onto the front pages in July when police revealed that News of the World possibly hacked into the voicemail of a murdered schoolgirl, Milly Dowler, and victims of the London bombings.
At the end of 2008, MI5 and MI6 wrote to Parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee to say that "in the light of recent analysis of intelligence received" Rauf may have been involved in the 7 July London bombings.
So two and half months on from setting out on this quest, I still don't know whether the Department of Social Development will treat Troubles victims in Northern Ireland on a par with victims of the 2005 London bombings.
Last week I recorded on this blog my slow-moving attempt to get clarification on whether compensation payments provided to victims of the troubles in Northern Ireland would be treated in the same way as money paid to those injured in the 2005 London bombings.
Last week, a series of allegations surfaced that the News of the World's phone-hacking tactics may have included voicemails linked to murdered girls, victims of London terrorist bombings and other individuals outside the world of politics and celebrity.
The value of such "forward-deployed" assets was evident when, immediately after the London subway bombings in July 2005, New York's Deputy Policy Commissioner, David Cohen, received a detailed report on the methodology adopted by the terrorists, the materials they used and the suspects.
His government chose its words carefully in response to this week's attempted car bombings in London and Glasgow.
Police are holding eight people in connection with the attempted car bombings in London's West End and at Glasgow airport.
Dr Haneef is one of eight people who have been detained over the suspected attempted car bombings in London and Glasgow.
This is all a long way from the bipartisan noises both parties were making after the bombings in London last July.
The order was issued in July, following the terrorist bombings in London.
As we've been reporting, in the wake of today's bombings in London, US officials have raised the terror alert level for mass transit systems.
It made similar statements about the Milly Dowler accusation and the allegation it had targeted the families of people killed in the July 7, 2005, suicide bombings in London.
Transatlantic travel by Americans has still not recovered fully from the decline caused by terrorist attacks on both sides of the ocean since 2001: in particular, the July bombings in London have depressed traffic.
It's a recognition, as I found out from the first day I was in Downing Street when we had bombings or attempted bombings in London and in Glasgow, you can never be anything other than vigilant at every point in dealing with this global terrorist threat.
The inquiry is linked to the suspected attempted car bombings in central London and Glasgow at the end of last month.
What's been so interesting here in the UK is this time around - unlike after the July the 7th bombings on the London underground system - everyone universally and rightly has condemned this barbaric act.
Though London was heavily damaged by the bombings of World War II, vestiges of the city's 1800s architecture survive in quaint pubs, spooky alleyways and monkish courtyards ringed with Georgian features.