Capital expenditure may have a pay-off in the long run but, given the ever-shortening career span of the average chief executive, few may be willing to take a chance that they will be around for the long term.
ECONOMIST: American profits have been high but the trend may not last
Huge 80-metre-long turbine blades, made in a single span, for vast wind farms out at sea.
BBC: Vince Cable opens Bristol carbon fibre research centre
It's important, she notes, that these tomes "speak to the four-minute attention span" so guests don't end up staying too long in the powder room.
WSJ: Spruce Up the Littlest Room for Holiday Guests
Scientists have long speculated that the key to a person's "natural" life span lies in so-called diseases of aging, those that emerge only as the body begins to wear out.
WSJ: A Gene Gives a Hint Of How Long a Person Might Hope to Live
Despite growing concerns about the long-term effects of concussions, participation in youth tackle football has soared 21% over the same time span, while ice hockey jumped 38%.
WSJ: As Baseball Season Beings, Kids Are Losing Interest in the National Pastime