Critics of long-term-care insurance argue that many who need long-term care use it for less than 90 days, and that most policies have a 90-day deductible, meaning most owners of long-term care insurance will receive no benefits.
Longevity insurance may also help those unable to obtain long-term-care insurance, although there is no guarantee that payments will coincide with long-term-care expenses, says Dan Guilbert, executive vice president at Symetra Life Insurance Co.
Genworth Financial (33, GNW) is the largest U.S. seller of long-term-care insurance and variable annuities, number four for term life and number five for mortgage insurance.
Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), CLASS would establish a federally chartered long-term-care insurance program.
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Both employers and individuals can contribute to an individual's HSA. HSA monies can be used for the purchase of long-term-care insurance, which will be a huge benefit to ever older baby boom-ers.
Dr Cook-Deegan was one of the authors of a study that showed a significant risk of adverse selection in the market for long-term-care insurance (the sort bought by the young in order to ensure they have nursing care when they become old and infirm).
There may be an increased need for long-term care insurance to cover in-home, as well as nursing home, services.
There were also opponents most prominently from the life insurance industry, especially two companies with large footprints in the long-term care insurance market, Genworth and John Hancock, as well as their trade organization, the American Council of Life Insurers.
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Once single again, long-term care insurance may need to be considered for those who are unable to self-insure that expense.
Many already own private long-term care insurance and others have enough savings, home equity, or other resources to self-insure.
FORBES: Reopening the Debate Over How to Pay for Long-Term Care Services
When it comes to long-term care insurance, I am often asked the same question: Should I buy?
Finally, Anne said it was important to improve consumer projections for buyers of private long-term care insurance.
It dwarfs the benefits provided by private long-term care insurance or what people pay out of pocket.
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It may be possible to design a modest government-run voluntary long-term care insurance program that is financially viable.
FORBES: What We Learned from the CLASS Long-Term Care Debacle
They also recommend new highly-targeted government subsidies, such as tax credits, to encourage moderate-income consumers to purchase long-term care insurance.
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And if we do try again to adopt a national long-term care insurance system, should it be mandatory or voluntary?
FORBES: Reopening the Debate Over How to Pay for Long-Term Care Services
Thanks to technical budget rules, Congress can now kill the national, voluntary long-term care insurance program without adding to the deficit.
And it opposes the CLASS Act, another part of health care overhaul that sets up a voluntary, long-term care insurance program.
Private long-term care insurance can be an important tool to protect against the risk of needing costly personal assistance in old age.
If you can afford it, consider purchasing long-term care insurance to preserve both your assets and your choice of care and facilities.
More than half said they would help a parent pay for long-term care insurance instead of contributing to their own retirement savings.
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And private long-term care insurance is expensive and increasingly difficult to buy.
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The measure, a piece of the 2010 health reform law, was supposed to create a new national, voluntary long-term care insurance system.
FORBES: Fiscal Cliff Deal Repeals CLASS Act, Creates Long-Term Care Commission
Panel members are to reflect the interests of recipients of care, their caregivers, providers, care workers, long-term care insurance companies, and state Medicaid officials.
FORBES: Fiscal Cliff Deal Repeals CLASS Act, Creates Long-Term Care Commission
The long-term care insurance industry was started in the 1980s and many companies rushed to get into what they thought would be a lucrative market.
FORBES: Long-Term Care Insurance Becoming Tougher For Women To Purchase
The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act, the national long-term care insurance program included in the 2010 health reform law, is on life-support.
And only about 7 million Americans own private long-term care insurance.
Romney, for his part, has been silent on long-term care insurance.
FORBES: Long-Term Care: A Forgotten Issue in the Presidential Campaign
Better health can also mean higher productivity (which can translate into higher earnings) and lower life, health, disability, and long-term care insurance premiums over your lifetime.
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