Not long after it opened, the neighborhood showed the first signs of growth in years.
It kept a board seat at biotech shop Centocor for 19 years, long after distributing shares to investors.
It wasn't long after the Challenger explosion that word of a pre-launch argument leaked out.
Long after How I Met Your Mother is gone, Harris will be making outstanding television.
For example, it recommended against wider screening for HIV long after such screening was accepted practice.
The Justice sported long sideburns and Buddy Holly glasses long after they were fashionable.
Not long after, I began hosting forums for business groups like the Young President's Organization.
However, the dealer often doesn't pay the factory until long after he has sold the vehicle.
However, once they were rescued they tended not to survive for long after in his experience.
Of course, not long after thinking about this topic, two exceptional posts were penned.
FORBES: False White House Scare Thanks To Hacked AP Twitter Account Feed
It is all too easy to stay until long after the sun has gone down.
Long after his death, Hawksmoor was himself at risk of being razed from history.
WSJ: St. Mary Woolnoth | Nicholas Hawksmoor | Fortress of God | Masterpiece by Richard B. Woodward
New research shows that abuse victims feel the impact of violence long after it occurred.
Unfortunately, the internet allows those statements to live on long after the dispute or drama ends.
FORBES: Uh Oh: Bieber Crosses Line But Not The Law On Lohan Tax Remarks
Not long after her mother had also driven away, he had rapped on the back door.
But celebrity foundations can continue long after the celebrities themselves are gone, thanks to endowments.
International institutions tend to cling tenaciously to life long after their value might have ebbed away.
Not long after he arrived in Boston, he treated an Armenian woman for chronic bronchitis.
He felt confident that, using Voxiva, he could help patients long after the clinic was over.
This ponderous and beautifully-shot film will endure long after this list has turned to dust.
Other scientists have observed weight gain in cloned mice long after they are born.
The most revealing photos are those Baltermants didn't dare print until long after he'd taken them.
Not long after, Valentine apologized, saying he learned the Yankees did, in fact, practice the flip.
The earth was here long before us, and will be here long after us.
FORBES: Obama 'End of America-Ism": Sad Variant of Global Warming Alarmism
However, many commercial jets remain in the air long after that period of time.
Hospitals are being made responsible for the behavior of patients long after they leave their care.
FORBES: Medicare's New Plan To Punish Hospitals For Treating Expensive Patients Will Backfire
Youth-soccer programs didn't explode until long after my sell-by date as a youth athlete.
It wasn't long after that news of a death in the Season 3 ender began circulating.
The woman said the pain and the fears lives on long after the tremors are gone.
They were joined by a police officer and, not long after, the fire service.
BBC: Buxton river crash: Man dies after family cars overturn