Raynes is a Hamptons socialite, best known for attending charity balls, competing in Long Island horse shows and spending time with friends Ricky and Kathy Hilton (Paris' parents).
"We don't see any immediate welfare concerns, providing the surface is appropriate for a horse to run on and as long as the horse is fit to undertake the race and is treated well, " the organization's deputy chief executive Tony Tyler told CNN.
If they see a long-term strategic benefit, they'll ride that horse as long as it takes.
While that idea has growing support in Congress, it may be a classic case of closing the barn door long after the horse has escaped.
Just one last point - and I'm not sure, now, if I'm hearing belts and braces being securely fastened, or the sound of a stable door closing long after the horse has bolted but might there just be paperwork that all involved must update, sign, seal and deliver just in case either man is reinstated?
In the U.S., the United Arab Emirates and Australia, a horse can be given steroids during training as long as the drugs aren't present in horse's system on race day.
Nevertheless, he emphasized that the horse had a long road ahead and would never race again.
And, you know, they were interested in kind of the long-term results of the horse.
But then yet another scene featured a long, mumbling monologue to a horse.
There were people still meandering along in horse-drawn buggies long after Henry Ford introduced the Model T for everyday people to drive.
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Plank is quick to admit that he did not buy Sagamore, once a Vanderbilt family holding, out of some long-standing love affair with horse racing.
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Coming in first place, by the way, in the bedandbreakfast.com pancake competition is a long-shot, dark-horse entry: a lemon-blueberry ricotta-cheese pancake with a sweet lemon sauce, garnished with fresh strawberries.
Today, watching a rangy, red-haired farmer on an Icelandic horse shouting at his long-haired Icelandic sheep in a largely unchanged dialect of Old Norse is the closest any of us will get to a Viking Jurassic Park.
The sticking point of the movie is its exorbitant length: two and three-quarter hours does seem like an awful long time to patch up a horse, and a movie that goes straight for your heart should not be allowed to fester.
It is now a four-horse affair, with a long trail of also-rans.
Like any Trojan Horse strategy, this is a long shot, but it must be tried.
And the French, particularly Charles de Gaulle in the 1960s, kept the British, America's Trojan horse, out of it for as long as they could, until 1973.
Long before dawn the roads into town were clogged with horse and donkey carts on their way to one of the last of the great Central Asian bazaars.
For the next eight months, her family struggled to figure out what happened to their soccer loving, artistic, horse crazy daughter, whose gentle smile, long dark hair and shining eyes did not bely a struggling soul.
Some tokens are long gone, among them the lantern, cannon and rocking horse.
Palace of the End was chosen from a shortlist that included The Chronicles of Long Kesh, The Chronicles of Irania and Year of the Horse.
Not too long ago in light of the Rafalca story, the Romney Olympic dancing horse, I described the hoops that an individual has to jump through in order to post a negative number on a Form 1040.
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The horse, riders, and the whole Calvary left the barn a long, long time ago.
Far more than just a horse race, the Kentucky Derby is a singular cultural event, a long weekend of non-stop fun, spectacle, excitement, galas and memories, and while Louisville has much to offer at any time, once a year it is transformed into the place to be for the entire country, complete with unique cuisine and drink.
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World Horse Welfare undertakes regular field investigations as part of its campaign to stop these long-distance journeys, and for years we have documented the appalling suffering of these horses.
The horse who took him first past the post for the seventh time that day is now long retired and spends his days grazing in the grounds of Dettori's home in the traditional British racing town of Newmarket.
In a press release, Governor Fallin stated that slaughter would improve horse welfare for thousands of horses that she suggests are being abused or are otherwise taking long, dangerous journeys to Mexico where they meet gruesome south-of-the-border deaths.
FORBES: Over Public Outcry, Governor Signs Horse Slaughter Bill
He lightly stroked the hood, then stroked it again, as if it were not a car but an old horse, tied to a fence and given a friendly pat to indicate that the wait would not be long.