Mr Hicks thanked Mr Hygate for his long service and wished him well in the future.
Former Wales goalkeepers Ken Jones and Gary Sprake received long service awards at the Cardiff City Stadium.
Nils has also received medals for long service and had a 4ft bronze statue built in his honour.
Businesses account for about half of this - many using them as rewards, such as for staff performance or long service.
The Duke unveiled a plaque at the ceremony which also saw the company's production manager Martin Austin presented with a long service award.
Jones, 73, who received a long service award, was part of the Wales squad that took part in the 1958 World Cup in Sweden.
They were recognised by the City of Bristol in 2011 with a long service award to celebrate 30 years of dedicated work in fostering.
BBC: Bristol artist Richard Long among Queen's New Year Honours
Hedley also intends to display his grandfather's long service certificate from 50 years at Sheffield steel firm Firth Brown, together with one of his grandfather's poems.
About 120 friends, family and constituency representatives were thought to have joined the Blairs at St John Fisher church in Sedgefield for the hour-and-a-half long service.
He showed up for work in war plans every day with the same cheerfulness, intelligence, and effort that had marked his entire decades-long service in the Army.
Just before World War II, Ike showed up for work in war plans every day with the same cheerfulness, intelligence, and effort that had marked his entire decades-long service in the Army.
The Star of David accordion band led the marchers through the country lanes and they filed into the church for an hour-long service to commemorate the First World War Battle of the Somme.
Mr Van Rompuy, a haiku-writing ascetic and devout Roman Catholic, has little experience of EU summitry, but years of training in the management of fractious partners, thanks to long service in multilingual coalition Belgian governments.
When the hour-long service came to a close, police officers again formed a guard of honour as PC Bone's coffin was carried outside, with her hat, black leather gloves and Queen's Diamond Jubilee medal on top.
BBC: PC Fiona Bone: Manchester Cathedral funeral for shot PC
In his report into police pay and conditions last year, Mr Winsor called for the abolition of a series of allowances and special payments and for a pay system that recognised hard work and merit instead of long service.
By moving forward with that, we cannot only stop this hemorrhaging of skilled technicians and scientists, but can address the ongoing accumulation of technical anomalies within our stockpile, the inevitable result of keeping these weapons in service long beyond their service life.
Especially hard hit were long-service early retirees that retired between 2000 and 2005.
The monarch saw a doctor on Monday morning and the decision was taken that it would be best if she did not sit through an hour-long church service, said BBC royal correspondent Peter Hunt.
It was not clear when or for how long the Marshals Service lost track of them.
CNN: U.S. lost track of two with known or suspected terror ties
Wireless companies have long sold cellphones at discounted prices in exchange for long-term service agreements.
I've got great admiration for him and for his long record of service in uniform.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's Statement on General McChrystal and Afghanistan | The White House
In return, train drivers will need to show greater levels of flexibility to support long-term service reliability improvement.
It's more a matter of sticking with manufactured equipment that lends itself to follow-up revenue through long-term service contracts.
For a long time your service has demanded a particular kind of sacrifice.
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Initially, the group was named Working Assets and was aimed at long-distance service.
FORBES: CREDO Mobile Celebrates Equal Pay Day with a Discount for Women
But as long as that service keeps the rest of us safe, their sacrifice should also be our own.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Merry Christmas from the President & First Lady | The White House
Though perhaps, he added bitterly, he was mad to have stayed so long in the service of the state.
That seems to exempt long-distance service that is charged at a flat rate per minute, as most is these days.
It was not long before normal service was resumed, with Troughton cracking a six and 10 fours in an unbeaten 64.