Plus, the beauty of a long shot winner is that the payouts are always better.
Judging by the cost of present-day missile defense, this seems a long shot.
FORBES: Interstellar Aircraft Carriers and Science Fiction Naval Warfare
Eisenstat says it's a long shot but better than the alternative of a wider war.
It is complicated but the odds of a reversal are still a long shot.
If they win that long shot argument, it would be a very big deal.
Allos' drug has always been a long shot, but there has been some hope for Genasense.
But he was not, by a long shot, making more money than most of his neighbors.
As far as effectiveness goes, that was always a bit of a long shot.
Instead, she set her sights on a long shot: the highly competitive University of Washington.
De Soto is a long shot, but he is by far the best candidate.
In both scenes, the camera moves forward through a crowd, in one long shot.
Like any Trojan Horse strategy, this is a long shot, but it must be tried.
Northup being from Louisville was a long shot, but I had my fingers crossed for her.
Her goal for the weekend is a true long shot: perfect 60-yard field goals.
It's a long shot, given that primaries tend to be dominated by highly ideological voters.
It's another long shot, but Paul Jacobs is undaunted by skepticism about the huge capital drain.
While this rosy scenario is possible, we believe it would be a long shot.
"Ergen knew this deal was a long shot and he negotiated a clever deal, " says Clelend.
What once looked like a long shot bid to shore up Qwest's faltering financials looks momentarily plausible.
For McGaughey, being the favorite in the Preakness is preferable to coming in as the long shot.
Sure, it's a long shot, but Tebow wouldn't be brought in to challenge Tom Brady, of course.
Freeman, and Albert Finney (who is, by a long shot, the most entertaining performer in the movie).
The would-be developers face a huge and expensive fight, and many observers say passage is a long shot.
Their take: Finding dark energy, the stuff that is pushing the universe apart, is a 12-1 long shot.
It's a long shot, but any success in treating stroke would have immense value in reducing human suffering.
Tavares got his assist when his long shot was redirected by Moulson for a 3-2 lead at 5:09.
What is new is that a political neophyte is ready to take an admittedly long shot at power.
But it's a distinctly long shot: On average, winners have been just under 33, playing their sixth Masters.
She and her husband are trying to help him do that, but it's a long shot - a very expensive one.
Rosie Napravnik rides long shot Mylute in her attempt to become the first female jockey to win the Derby.