While most Disneyland guests look up at the rides, I look down at the ground.
Next morning, I stand on Bourke's reconstructed old wharf and look down at the olive-green Darling River.
In order to understand what we are seeing up in the sky, we have to look down at its reflection.
I've never seen Cornish written out and to look down at it on paper, it was difficult to learn.
My United Space Alliance and NASA guides took me up 255 feet to look down at Space Shuttle Endeavour.
As I write this article, I cannot help but look down at my wrist and long to see an Omega watch on it.
The Valley elites look down at the Wall Street elites thinking one creates real stuff and the other just makes money off it.
Mr. DICKSON: You look down at the border and now there's a fence about two miles long with lights every 50 yards, and so forth.
The anticipated excitement of being at the game washes away just a bit as you look down at players the size of action figure dolls.
FORBES: In-Game Seat Upgrades - The Next Tech Wave For Sports Tickets?
Only after delivering his first line looking up at his audience did he even dare to look down at his notes for the first time.
During flights, people could gather there to look down at either a TV image of the ground they're flying over, or a Google Earth image streamed onto the screen.
One of the reasons people who start companies look down at franchisees is that the franchisee does not have a passionate relationship to his business, since he did not give birth to it.
This is an early demonstration of course, though Fujitsu has already enumerated several applications for this technology, from assisting disabled users to simply eliminating the need to look down at the mouse and keyboard.
Corporate trainer Michelle Kruse says that as an introvert, she used to look down at her notes during meetings, or "hang out by the food" at social gatherings, partly because she felt uncomfortable making eye contact.
He would look down at her sleeping face, cleansed of all ambition and anxiety and spite, qualities that he forgave her because he felt that the conditions into which he had thrust her drew them out.
But it's not until I look down at the speedo that I realise, despite what my senses are telling me, despite the frenzied information downloaded through my fingers and bottom, despite the heady, laugh-out-loud fun I'm having, I'm only doing about 60mph, tops.
Try not to look down at the crashing waves as you gingerly climb the vertiginous steps that cut into the face of Skellig Michael, an uninhabited Unesco World Heritage-listed monastic settlement that was established sometime between the 6th and 8th Centuries.
Instead of curling photographs and yellowing newspapers, we are possessed of a shiny and permanent now, one we flit-click about and so delude ourselves as to our own eternal youth - until, that is, we look down at the wrinkled and liver-spotted hands that rest on the keyboard.
BBC: A Point of View: Nostalgia - it's not like it used to be
Instead of praising those who do this important work, non-lawyers look down their noses at Legal Aid lawyers.
FORBES: In praise of Legal Aid lawyers (by a white collar criminal defense practitioner)
Through that time, the programme set and I have had a series of make overs but somehow both of us have always managed to look rather down-at-heel.
Howard and Anna Nicole, wherever you are, you can only look down and smile at the wealth you delivered to lawyers and the consternation, fleeting as it turned out to be, to your foes.
This was not a rally to ridicule people of faith or people of activism, or to look down our noses at the heartland or passionate argument, or to suggest that times are not difficult and that we have nothing to fear.
If it's this hard to get more than a handful of Republican votes on what is relatively easy -- spending tons of money and cutting people's taxes -- when you look down the road at health care and entitlement reform and energy reform, those are really tough choices.
Toward the end of my presidency, Laura made a trip down to Haiti to look at the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief programs down there.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidents Obama, Bush, & Clinton: Help for Haiti
The consultation exercise asked also to look at local variability and we'll look at the possibility of local variability down off?(?) the local income tax and we're also looking at the position of students, as Iain Gray mentioned a moment ago.
And when my daughter's in bed, I'll sort of sit down and look at videos.
Now let's look down the financial road at these two individuals, assuming that they continue to make their financial decisions based on these patterns of behavior.