Can we look forward to future articles on astrology, clairvoyance or alien remains at Roswell?
The operation has allowed Mr Houghton to look forward to the future and a life he thought was about to end.
Children could look forward to a future that was more exciting and enriching than their parents.
FORBES: Dear President Obama: Our Children Need Economic Opportunity, Too
We congratulate the Golden Goose Award recipients, and look forward to their future life changing discoveries.
WHITEHOUSE: Golden Goose Award: Scientific Research Investments Paying Off | The White House
But today, with the signing of the Strategic Partnership Agreement, we look forward to a future of peace.
Adelante. (Applause.) We look forward to a future that is brighter.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event, Tampa, FL
His best tactic, with both his party and the public, may be to look forward to the future rather than wallow in past recrimination.
African Catholics look forward to the future pope introducing new and effective measures to check the seeming absolute powers and privileges of African bishops and priests.
As conductive paint becomes increasingly common, we can look forward to a future where billboards talk back, walls are interactive, and greeting cards come to life in our very hands.
We need to look forward to the future.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the University of Yangon
And we continue to look forward -- we look forward to continued cooperation in the future.
In the meantime, a priority for CCI volunteers is simply to spend time with the kids, hug them, show them some love, and help them look forward to some kind of future -- whatever their link to the explosion that so altered their past.
People make money, raise families, and look forward to a better future.
Then Turks and Kurds alike could look forward to a better future.
"I am pleased to have acquired Cromlix House and look forward to securing its future as a successful business, " the 25-year-old Murray said in a statement.
It was a magnificent way of ending the season for Nestor and Zimonjic, although the Canadian can now look forward to going for future trophies alongside the player he beat on Sunday - Mirnyi.
They have been extremely helpful, and we look forward to cooperating into the future.
And physicists could look forward confidently to an exciting future putting together a new one.
We are very proud of the friendship between our two countries, and we look forward to continuing in the future.
And insisting there is "no more looking back, " he will urge activists to look forward to "the better future that we are building for our children".
"The filing of these documents is a significant step toward putting these issues behind us, and we look forward to focusing on the future, " said Chief Executive Peter Dolan .in a prepared statement.
That said, it was quite fun and provided a whole new type of play experience that we look forward to more of in the future.
It is a short and simple phrase, but it will have huge consequences in producing healthy club football that can look forward to a prosperous, honest future.
Stand tall, shake hands warmly, and leave your counterpart with the impression that you are someone he or she should look forward to dealing with in the future.
FORBES: President Obama, Congress, and the Body Language of Negotiation
Might NYC still look forward to a bright techno-future?
FORBES: Atlantic Philanthropies and Charles F. Feeney: How Wealth-in-Action Redeems Us All
I'm very grateful for you hospitality, and I look forward to our continued work in the future.
Anyway, I still like Matt Damon and will look forward to seeing his movies in the future.