The couple on board look on, entwined, blankets drawn up to their chests against the evening chill.
The woman got a worried look on her face and said, all right, that's enough.
Seeing the look on his face, I sighed and promptly headed for the exit.
The 33-year-old Husheer still has a horrified look on his face when recalling the encounter.
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Most people have a blank, expressionless look on their face when listening to someone else talking.
The door opened, and Mr. Harouni walked in, a mild look on his handsome golden face.
The look on his face when I recently debuted a shrink-wrap tight dress told me so.
"Judging by the look on his face, I was in really bad shape, " Father Moretti says.
But it was clear from the look on his face he did not share the sentiment.
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Ten years ago Gordon Brown could only look on as Blair became Prime Minister.
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I've learnt from that and now I look on every defeat as a learning experience.
From the look on his face he could obviously smell the beer on my breath.
Perhaps then it is more healthy to look on this relationship as a partnership.
Compatriot Safin struggled to look on the bright side despite his win over Soderling.
BBC: Safin won the Paris Masters title in 2000, 2002 and 2004
Because of this, some members of America's Congress look on the BRICs with trepidation.
To look on the bright side, Eastern Europe is not likely to spawn any more Lukashenkas.
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Mr. ZAYER: The look on their life here as an occasional, only for a very short time.
Rather they look on lots of children as a means of helping them in their old age.
Indeed, if inflation is set to fall further, real bond yields already look on the high side.
"You look on paper and Toronto should be in the World Series, " Red Sox manager John Farrell said.
So then can we talk about something else now, and maybe take a look on the bright side?
At exactly the same moment, Sall came through, her eyes bleary, an odd, faraway look on her face.
The super rich look on all this turmoil, scratch their heads and tighten their belts by one notch.
Mr Santer's designated successor, Romano Prodi, a former prime minister of Italy, is obliged to look on impatiently.
" I look on the Internet and on every news site, it says, "Aflac fires Gilbert Gottfried.
"It was like a mirror image, the look on her face, the fear, the worry, everything, " she said.
And, to look on the bright side, Bolivia is no longer dominated by ideological battles of the 1970s.
Simpson and Bowles sat to Mr. Ryan's right at the college auditorium with a stunned look on their faces.