The report said that Mrs A was forced to give up work to look after the children and admitted she was was "struggling to cope" with them, while also caring for her ill husband and her elderly mother.
In the past communities came together to look after the children if their parents were not available - so why not have childcare collectives put together by volunteers?
But quitting work to look after the children can mean financial disaster.
Her husband has a donkey and a small souvenir stall in Petra, so she stays at home to look after the children, the 20 goats and a small garden sown with bamboo, apricots and grapes.
And I think that sharing the responsibility from the start when it comes to children and household shores will make sure that it's not only the woman's responsibility to look after the home and children when the children are growing up either.
Swallows, who says she was going off to look for a job, took the children to stay with Lawrence, a high school friend who was living with Chouquer.
It hurts to look into the despair on the children's faces, to see a toddler barefoot on the gravel.
For now this self-described "boring couple" say they look forward to the day their children would be born and raised in a post-DOMA world.
"What one really hopes, regardless of the rights or wrongs of the adults, you have to look at the fact that these children wil have moved four times and they're only six months old, " said Naomi Angell.
Both the non-human apes and the human children tended to look where they thought the experimenter was looking.
The minister will also look at changes to the law so parents with children of school age must be available for at least part-time work.
One such study tracked down the children of these mothers, to look into the possible causes of people taking up smoking.
Crews had worked late into the night Wednesday at Lilydale Regional Park, washing away soil with fire hoses and bringing in search dogs to look for one of the children who had remained missing overnight.
The group was set up in response to the Williamson Report, published in 2008, into child protection services, which recommended a better resourced independent service should be set up to look after children on the Child Protection Register.
Richard Durbin of Illinois and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut have repeatedly called on the Food and Drug Administration to look into the safety of the drinks for children.
Lorna says while she would like to work full time, she has three children to look after so depends on the state subsidies to supplement her low-paying, part-time job in the borough's school kitchens.
CNN: UK's poorest banking on food donations as austerity bites
And insisting there is "no more looking back, " he will urge activists to look forward to "the better future that we are building for our children".
At least 200 new foster families are needed across Northern Ireland this year to look after the record numbers of children in care, figures show.
Singapore Airlines offers up to 14 days a year for mothers who need time off to look after sick children under the age of 6.
The University of Stirling is to look into the impact fulfilling the dreams of seriously ill children has on them and their families.
Certainly, many of the opposition's charges seem far-fetched such as the assertion that the government is giving its victims cancer but so are officials' explanations that involve parents beating the corpses of their children to make it look as if they were pummelled to death by the police.
Local social services say the parents failed to look after their children.
It still felt right that the husband should go out to work and the wife should run the house and look after the children.
Plans to scrap free transport for children attending faith and grammar schools in Kent look set to get the go ahead.
In many ways it is closer to America, where the government stingily but even-handedly pays neither parent to look after children.
Stay-at-home parents who choose to look after their children instead of going to work are being "unfairly" penalised, the Bishop of Exeter has said.
And I hope that one day, in the streets of Boston, children will look up at a statue built not only to Bill Russell the player, but Bill Russell the man.
So let's narrow it down and take a look at these extracts from a letter sent to the Children and Young People Committee and to the Education Minister this week.
Mr McEvoy added that he wanted the children's commissioner to look into the issue.
BBC: Cardiff councillor Neil McEvoy rebuked over Facebook post
Other families, particularly in the countryside, cannot afford to look after their children, who are sent to relations.
ECONOMIST: The street children are the symptom of a bigger problem