Pura was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding her son, trying to look all worried.
The woman got a worried look on her face and said, all right, that's enough.
Instead he just nodded, and I saw the worried look on his face.
CNN: Robin Meade talks anxiety and her road to self-confidence
Revelation is really like one of those old-fashioned editorial drawings where Labor is a pair of overalls and a hammer, and Capital a bag of money in a tuxedo and top hat, and Economic Justice a woman in flowing robes, with a worried look.
The retailers are seeing worried customers look more to discounters like those run by T.
That can look good to celebrities worried about bad press over things like relatives on the payroll, financial improprieties and high fundraising expenses (FORBES, March 20).
But he kept the lean look of a man who still worried about tickets and guitar strings, and who did not have time for lunch.
Worried that the IRS might look askance at something you have, or haven't, done with your IRA?
In his letter to Davis, Haggis said that he was worried that the church might look through his files to smear him, too.
If he's worried he didn't look it, smiling from behind his wrap-around shades as women dressed in the Somali flag sing traditional songs of welcome.
And also, as you look ahead to 2011, are you worried that bipartisan agreement will be a lot harder to reach on issues like deficit reduction and maybe even tax reform?
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on a Historic Congressional Session | The White House
The government commissioned Kate Barker, a member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, to look at supply principally because it is worried about public-service workers in the southeast, such as teachers and nurses, whose ranks Mr Brown aims to increase.
Mr. PHIL FLYNN (Energy and General Market Analyst, Alaron Trading): If you look to three weeks ago, we were worried about war in the Middle East.
The National Federation of Independent Business, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Small Business Legislative Council, worried the incoming Democratic Congress would look to raise revenue by narrowing the "tax gap, " formed the coalition in December.
Mr Cameron, who did not look at the list, said he was "worried" that speculation about unproven allegations could lead to a "witch-hunt particularly against people who are gay" and advised anyone with evidence of abuse should go to the police.
If you look at when they came out with iPad, people worried it was going to kill the Mac.
Universities have been worried that charging too little will make them look like poor quality - and that charging too much will put off potential applicants.
We can be scared and worried about the future, or we can look at it as a collection of happy surprises that lie outside the path of our imagination.
"You can't look at what happened to the World Bank and not be worried, " says one Western ambassador.
Well, if you look at it, the rest of the world has never ever really worried too much about those.
While many in the American government consider the UN past its sell-by date, the French are worried that the organisation may be tricked into making the war look justified.
Fund managers worried about the end of an extended bull market in bonds might look to Asia, where a sudden selloff in a certain class of risky bonds has left many investors with large losses.
Then, as now, people worried about an epidemic of childhood obesity, while grand ladies starved themselves to look better in the unforgivingly revealing fashions of the day.
Investors are also worried by measures to increase the liability that custodian banks have for the assets they look after.
ECONOMIST: The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive: The wrong targets | The
If Rivkin and Casey are truly worried about al-Qaeda's impunity for war crimes, they should take a look at current legal proceedings dealing with suspected terrorists.
"Tonight we worried them when we had the ball, whereas in the past we didn't really look threatening away from home, " said Strachan.