Or when you are in Sao Paolo are you looking into the future of New York and Los Angeles?
Professor Hargreaves was giving evidence to the Task and Finish group looking into the future outlook for media in Wales.
Instead of the greed of the tech bubble or the housing bubble we are looking into the future with such fear that we just want to get our money back.
Keeping up with current wireless data usage and looking into the future, Sprint is building an all-new 3G and 4G LTE network as part of a strategy known as Network Vision.
ENGADGET: Sprint lights up new LTE markets in Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Kansas and Texas
Jobs had a penchant for looking into the future and getting ahead of the game with products, and it will be interesting to whether the company can continue on its trajectory without his leadership.
Looking into the future, it will be very interesting to see how these new flows of people, information, views and cultures will help the two nations build confidence in each other and work together.
Looking into the future, though the federal government continues to do everything it can with our money to protect the banks and underwater homeowners alike, the contempt that borrowers not-too-long-ago revealed for lenders will continue to be felt.
FORBES: The Ongoing, and Hideous Lie About 'Victimized' Mortgage Holders
Looking further into the future, consider how profit and revenue outcomes may be impacted by this storm.
"We have to be looking well into the future, not just the needs of tomorrow or even next year, " says Col.
Engineering software developer Autodesk, which collaborated on the project, is looking even further into the future.
Even without looking ahead into the uncertain future, she always found something to worry about.
Still, while plans proceed full-steam-ahead for "Catching Fire, " Mr. Friedman cautioned against looking too far into the future.
Looking even further into the future, Mosseri's exploring ways to incorporate widgets into Home, and is also working to bring Home to tablets at some point.
ENGADGET: Facebook Home's immediate future: buddy lists, an app dock, folders and more
Looking even further into the future, the general regulatory trend is to separate physical networks from the services offered over them, as in telecoms and electricity.
ECONOMIST: What kind of industry asks its regulator to block all deals?
And it wouldn't be in line with the spirit of looking to the future together and not into the past.
She added that organisers were looking into the possibility of staging a future event.
So when looking to take your business into the future, this is surely something you are thinking about.
FORBES: Are Technology Providers Clouding Your View of Business?
If NASA's plans mostly involve the future, the US Air Force budget is looking into the past.
Neither device supports Hulu or Netflix, although a rep told us that they're kinda sorta looking into adding the latter sometime in the future.
ENGADGET: Netgear unveils Internet TV Player, Digital Entertainer Elite with CinemaNow
The big picture has become particularly important this year, as these figures now feed directly into the debate about Scotland's constitutional future, looking towards the independence referendum near certain within the next five years.
And they're looking beyond the closing ceremony, five years into the future to assess legacy effects.
As we dive into a new year, my hope is that business owners begin the arduous task of looking to the future.
FORBES: My Wish For The New Year: Owners Will Bank Their Business Instead Of Bank On Their Business
One simply cannot pretend to make a case for American exceptionalism as we see ourselves looking more like developing nations in the world rather than the nations who are leading the world into a new future.
FORBES: The Rust Belt Rains Red Due To Failure To Invest In Infrastructure
Looking to invest their extensive cash reserves into financing their future growth, deep-pocketed corporate acquirers have traditionally been the biggest buyers of PE assets.
The answer is by spending most of its time looking backwards into its glorious history rather than forwards into a future that required a major shift in business strategy.
FORBES: What Can We Learn From the Financial Meltdown of Glasgow Rangers FC?
Washington politicians are pointing the U.S. economy straight into a liquidity trap and instead of a bright economic future, the U.S. is looking at years of high unemployment, weak GDP growth and the possibility of widespread deflation.
Epsom Hospital has now been drawn into NHS South West London's Better Services Better Value (BSBV) review, which is also looking at the future of St Helier, Kingston, Croydon and St George's hospitals in south-west London.