So if he moves ahead, it looks like Fatah could be having an election with itself.
That looks like a fantastic price, given that Consolidated Edison trades at 9 times Ebitda.
It looks like our increasingly small, globalized world will also be a malled one.
The device looks like a long sheath with two soft rings at each end.
That looks pale alongside the 12.7% you could have earned on the Vanguard Index 500 fund.
The young woman waiting in the arrivals hall looks anxious, her small mouth pinched and unsmiling.
"What was a negative for the first six months looks to be a positive again, "says Nick.
At 42, still bearlike and buttoned-up, he looks slightly grizzled, a man in a hurry.
It looks as if Fidelity and Citicorp are going to have a run for their money.
Everything else on the truck looks like garbage, and it was once garbage, but not anymore.
The time to enjoy these vehicles, and the come-hither looks one experiences when driving them, is now.
Her research at the University of Stirling looks at how people can make their homes more adaptable.
But the office that is now his looks the same today as it did three decades ago.
That looks like a win for Mother Earth, until you step back and look at the big picture.
"It certainly looks like it was a member of the Apollo class of asteroids, " he told BBC News.
Outside, everyone looks busy, from elderly ladies selling socks to young men welding pipes and repairing used electronics.
You said a pimple, something like that, does that what it looks like when you first get it?
It looks generic and I know it's what is inside that counts, but we know how that goes.
To the uncanny, the new Dell looks pretty much like the old Dell.
Every day he looks out his office windows and sees the ghosts of wrecked firms.
Jamie, have you been able to get out today and see what this operation looks like?
"This bike looks fast when it's sitting still, " crooned a reviewer from Cycle World magazine.
Or so it looks early Wednesday on the basis of Senate, gubernatorial and marquee congressional races.
The numbers work out differently when one looks at cancer deaths, as opposed to just cancer.
Nemitz looks like a Santa who trimmed his beard and traded up from reindeer.
Her face then looks sad and determined, "but we have more than 400 still to find".
It now looks exceedingly unlikely that the White House will give Mr Rumsfeld the push.
Society looks down on overweight folks and assumes we do the same to ourselves.
And how did they manage to find an actor who looks so exactly like me?
"When the Republican Party looks like the rest of America, we'll win again, " Paul said.