Council bosses have defended signage on Cambridgeshire's guided busway after a lorry accidentally drove along it.
Foreign lorry drivers had "long enjoyed an advantage over our own haulage industry", he told MPs.
Police said if the lorry had been travelling faster, the incident could have had fatal consequences.
BBC: Lorry driver fined after trailer breaks loose on Essex road
The lorry's Clacton-based owner, Paul Napier, 49, denied a charge of manslaughter at Ipswich Crown Court.
Military-vehicle production and Iveco, its lorry and bus division, could also go on the block.
The lorry smashed through a hedge and ended up on the fairway of the golf course.
Huxtable flagged down a passing lorry driver and attempted to hitch a ride home.
The lorry driver has been arrested on suspicion of causing serious injury by dangerous driving.
The driver of the lorry, a man in his 60s from Cheshire, was not injured.
The driver of the lorry, a 35-year-old man from Toftwood near Dereham, was uninjured.
The lorry driver, Christopher Kane, 67, of Oakbank Close, Swinton, admitted causing death by dangerous driving.
BBC: South Yorkshire Police launch anti text driving campaign
The glue container burst when the lorry jack-knifed on the road at 05:30, police said.
An eyewitness said the 44-tonne articulated lorry was removed at 23:45 GMT the same day.
The lorry's rear tyres burst during the accident and it was left resting on it rims.
The driver of the third lorry was killed and two of his passengers were injured.
It was raining, and the car in front of me hit a lorry pulling out.
The body of Lee Balkwell, 33, was found in the mixer lorry near Upminster in 2002.
Mr Golan had to bring in lorry loads of maize to keep the rest alive.
The suspect, a retired lorry driver, is not believed to be related to the five-year-old.
The 44-tonne articulated lorry's rear tyres have blown and it is resting on its rims.
Police received reports of two attempted hijackings of a car and a lorry in the area.
On inquiry, it emerged the money came from bribes routinely paid by bus and lorry drivers.
He saw Mai-Lea run out from behind his lorry into the path of the quad bike.
In Germany, meanwhile, some lorry drivers have used jammers to evade the country's GPS-based road-tolling system.
In most cases the lorry drivers were halting other lorries, and allowing private motorists through.
The A487 Caernarfon to Porthmadog has re-opened, after a lorry accident closed it for several hours.
BBC: Wales snow: Roads closed as weather moves to north Wales
On the A46 northbound, a jack-knifed lorry caused delays for motorists on Monday morning.
Earlier on Friday, Thames Valley Police attended an overturned lorry on the B4030 in Middleton Stoney.
So most firefighters have other incomes and other lives, as builders, lorry drivers, painters and decorators.
This move was also spurred, according to Mr Phillips, by a shortage of lorry drivers.