As a veteran of high tech, Fisher understands that most new technologies lose money for several years.
However the Thera Trust said the vast majority of staff would not lose money.
You can be right and lose money and you can be wrong and make money.
The foreign central bank could lose money if it isn't repaid by the private bank.
"My thinking was that you could lose money on security to bet on development, " he says.
The consensus estimate is that they will lose money this quarter and next quarter.
If you don't solve problems and create value with your investments, you lose money.
Should UK depositors lose money, the government would have to decide whether to compensate them directly.
But pyramid schemes are illegal and the vast majority of their participants lose money.
If valuations keep going up in the private market, private market investors will lose money.
If inflation rises, the low yield could cause you to lose money on an inflation-adjusted basis.
It's true that even some big schools' athletic departments lose money, and that many are subsidized.
Over the last 30 years, it has been hard to lose money in bonds.
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When business owners stopped trying to figure out how to lose money, the economy boomed.
The goal of making money leads the firm to do things that ultimately lose money.
Two in five people will lose money buying new units, says the Department of Energy.
We got to talking about the primary reason why investors lose money in the markets.
Whitehead, who took the case to raise his institute's profile, expects to lose money on Jones.
Yet only 550 films open in American cinemas each year, and most lose money.
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But then the health plans will simply lose money and move out of markets.
As expected by him, the position soon turned against me and I started to lose money.
This meant that holders of Brazil shares would lose money even if Brazil finished second.
Some school districts struggle to provide healthy and appealing meals because the programs lose money.
Mr Brown also pledged that customers would not lose money as a result of the problems.
The money manager could be completely right about a stock and still lose money.
First, because they will make very little money on it, if not lose money.
Every time someone illegally downloads a movie or a song, these industries lose money.
If it sells only 3, 000 copies of each of those, it will likely lose money, he says.
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In most cases, they did little or nothing and they still get paid when you lose money.
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He defines that as one with privacy, fishing, hunting and a cattle-raising operation that doesn't lose money.