• The European Space Agency (Esa) is about to lose the use of one of its flagship satellites.

    BBC: Herschel space telescope to go blind

  • "No gun owner will lose their gun, no gun owner will lose their magazine, they will not lose the use of said gun or magazine, so long as they follow our rules and register, " he said.

    CNN: Connecticut panel crafts gun law overhaul

  • The radio-ratings company saw its stock lose a fifth of its value on Tuesday after it delayed the expanded use of an audience-measurement device that is meant to replace written diaries.

    FORBES: Arbitron Goes Off Meter

  • In light of the fact that MSSB knew full well that, as a non-signatory, the terms of the Protocol were inapplicable to Fidelity, the heads I win, tails you lose posture adopted by MSSB with regard to its selective use of the terms of the Protocol was particularly opprobrious.

    FORBES: Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Eviscerated In Fidelity Unfair Competition Case

  • Unlike a pre-tax healthcare flexible spending account, where you forfeit any unused balance at the end of the year under the use-it-or-lose-it rule, you can roll over any unused balance with an HSA, building a tax-free healthcare retirement kitty.

    FORBES: What If You Use Your Health Savings Debit Card For Take-Out?

  • As INTC sees it, and I agree, INTC has much more to gain as it moves quickly with new processor-based SoC solutions into the tablet and smartphone markets that have heretofore been dominated by ARMH, than it is likely to lose in the standard PC markets when Windows 8 enables the use of ARMH chips.

    FORBES: Why Apple Earnings Didn't Dissappoint, Intel Too

  • "Judges are feeling so much pressure, especially from Congress, that they're in the strange position of having newfound discretion and knowing if they use it they'll lose it, " says Barry Boss, a criminal defense attorney in Washington, D.

    FORBES: Lock 'Em Up

  • Banks can use big data to gain a 360-degree view of customers, even as they lose the personal interaction of branch banking.

    FORBES: Big Data Provides a 360-Degree View of Customers

  • The court noted that use of the Napster service harms the market for copyrighted music by causing record companies to lose CD sales they otherwise would make.

    BBC: Napster ruling: The legal issues

  • They lose effectiveness as more people use a browser session because they are targeted to the concept that one browser represents an interest profile of one person.

    ENGADGET: Editorial: We, the digitally naked

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