For instance the light pipes currently suffer from toomuch light loss unless they are kept short, and there were complications in creating completely enclosed hollow areas.
But if the money were to come from the EFSF, well in those circumstances Finland has said it would fear that the money would be toomuch at risk of loss - so it is demanding collateral or security for its share of any such loan.
The main argument advanced for not putting options into the profit-and-loss account is perfectly simple: to do so would cost American companies toomuch.
She approached the 2001 French Open as one of the tournament favourites, but the expectation from home fans proved toomuch for her to bear and she suffered an embarrassing first-round loss.
Rather than taking a chance on such a "sure loss, " investors prefer to gamble on high-flying tech stocks, even though they pay far toomuch for the chance of striking it rich.