If it does, then, like Japan, it is likely to suffer a lost decade.
In many cases, you might be surprised at the returns investors achieved over the lost decade.
And the task of one-nation Labour is to halt the slide into a lost decade for Britain.
The 1990s are often referred to as Japan's "lost decade" because of its 10-year struggle with falling prices.
Conterintuitive to think that we can continue to go on this way without it costing us a lost decade-or worse.
In a regulatory straitjacket and dominated by a state-run banking system, Israel suffered a "lost decade" from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s.
It cannot be accomplished by cutting government spending without also raising taxes back where they should have been over the last lost decade.
Economist Dougie Adams said the country may be in the middle of "a lost decade", held back by much slower export growth than others.
Some are now talking openly of a Lost Decade, much like Japan's lost years after its great property crash at the end of the 1980s.
But considering the wreck of the Great Recession which finished off a lost decade of 1.8% average annual GDP growth, we can do much better.
Often this is coupled with warnings of another lost decade ahead.
Brokers are restless after a lost decade in which Merrill stock, which makes up 4% to 5% of their total compensation each year, has gone practically nowhere.
But according to Forbes magazine, he's the most disastrous CEO in corporate America, while to Vanity Fair he's the man who has presided over a lost decade.
However, what it does show is that lost decade is largely scare marketing that uses fear to make investors susceptible to the sale of a costly financial product.
The domestic airline industry is emerging from its lost decade.
Getting back on track looks increasingly like a lost decade.
In the early 1990s, a stock and property market crash led to years of very low economic growth and high unemployment, and it became known as the "lost decade".
"The economy could be expected to grow by 10% over five years in normal economic times, which suggests any talk of a 'lost decade' of growth is no longer as fanciful as it once sounded".
He also suggested the UCI will acquiesce to the Tour de France's wish not to reassign Armstrong's seven consecutive victories between 1999-2005 after it was described as a "lost decade" by race organizer Christian Prudhomme.
CNN: Former Tour de France champ LeMond calls for UCI boss to quit
Part of the fear that drives investors to products such as variable annuities, equity-indexed annuities, and the false promises of active management (including absolute return funds) is the misplaced fear of the recent lost decade in the performance of stocks.
We saw this happen in Japan in the 1990s, where they did not act boldly and swiftly enough, and as a consequence they suffered what was called the "lost decade" where essentially for the entire '90s they did not see any significant economic growth.
And this storm came at the end of what some call a lost decade -- because what happened between 2000 and now, it was a decade in which paychecks shrank and jobs barely grew, and the costs of everything from health care to college education went up.
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And, alas, a stable giant that could be playing a supportive role, Japan, appears to be suffocating itself with more of the lame governance that lost it the decade of the 1990s.
Hundreds of thousands of jobs in the city were lost in the last decade.
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When Swartwout arrived at Summa 12 years ago, it was a decrepit equipment manufacturer that had lost money for a decade.