The owners proudly, and actively, encourage lounging, with free wi-fi and retro 1950s-style comfy furniture.
Soldiers and cops are lounging on it, drinking Star and Gulder beers and playing cards.
We found the officers lounging around a long table drinking tea and smoking cigarettes.
The space has a casualness to it, with an assemblage of vignettes for working and lounging.
Do people really prefer being stuck indoors in downtown Manhattan to lounging in the Caribbean sun?
They were lounging on furniture brought into the large loft space for the occasion, or playing ping-pong.
Care to watch a bunch of TWC executives lounging in a corner office while discussing the app?
ENGADGET: Time Warner Cable developing iOS app, laptime viewing may never be the same (video)
We loved the invigorating indoor-outdoor whirlpool and the two levels of sun- drenched terraces for reading and lounging.
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There were two lounging palapas beside the pool, which is a proper one, not a postage-stamp plunge model.
Two of the spa's treatments are only available in its new "Ritual Suite, " which features a private lounging area.
Its fenced back yard with well-tended grass has a brown painted picnic table, swing love seat and lounging chairs.
The couple had photos taken of them on bicycles, lounging in a hammock and on a dock at sunset.
But now the makeup artist is running late, and Cowell, lounging shirtless in his trailer, starts to get annoyed.
It swarmed with lounging waiters, officious policemen, dog-walkers pulled to right and left of the path, old ladies knitting.
One day in June, Jaron Lanier was lounging barefoot in the living room of his house in the Berkeley hills.
On the other, the space for Mr. Gouw, his wife and daughter is more modern, with durable pieces suitable for lounging.
But for some ridiculous reason he's been lounging at the hotel pool all afternoon after training, trying to tan himself up.
You wander in at sunset after a hard day's lounging in the sun and pull a chilled tureen out of the fridge.
An indifferent student, Mr Reagan had hoped only for a job selling sporting goods and summers lounging round as a local lifeguard.
Still, much of the pleasure of the cruise is being aboard the gulet, lounging on deck and breathing in the sea air.
Eight Thai soldiers were lounging on the site when we arrived.
And the art collector himself, drinking single-malt scotch, wearing Lobb loafers, lounging on a Michel Frank sofa in his second home in Aspen.
It's strange when I arrived in Karachi just five ago every road had a soldier lounging at the corner or on a bridge.
Dates can range from quiet interludes while lounging in Central Park all the way to glamorous, celeb-filled evenings at the poshest club in town.
Ms. Sayeg gets most of her design work done on her MacBook computer while lounging on a black leather couch in her living room.
WSJ: Magda Sayeg, Turning Knitting Into a Public Art | Creating
Lounging in a coffee shop surfing the web with your iPad?
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The house itself will beckon with food, entertainment, chores and lounging.
Reverse-image TVs that let you watch your favorite show in the bathroom mirror while lounging in the tub and flipping channels via a waterproof, floating remote.
WSJ: Jeffery Deaver on Bathrooms Around the World | Traveler's Tale
Her vast studio feels like a friendly cedar mill, with fine sawdust hanging in the air and a resident cat lounging undisturbed on a forklift seat.
Cheerful, hopeful music drifts out across the potholed street, past the soldiers lounging under a tree, and out over the clear blue waters of Lake Kivu.