Hais, who co-wrote Millennial Makeover: MySpace, YouTube and the Future of American Politics, have observed that millennial "mellowness" can be traced to child-rearing patterns marked by feel-good toddler shows like Barney ("I love you, you love me", etc.) Moreover, they add, millennials seem devoid of an impulse to fight and prove their superiority over others--not a surprising outcome when everyone gets a trophy.
FORBES: Magazine Article
This goes hand in hand with truly feeling your emotions, accepting them and allowing this acceptance to gradually transform emotions of fear, anger, envy, shame, guilt etc. into a feeling of love.
FORBES: 5 Steps To Transform Your Life - Step 4
Such a move would likely make many more customers consider subscribing to the channel, as currently those who are most likely to love HBO programming, Game of Thrones, Girls, etc. are the least likely to still have a cable subscription.
FORBES: HBO and Universal Strike 10-Year Exclusive Deal, Wage War on Netflix