Bireli is versatile: You'll hear his love for American guitarist Wes Montgomery and even Frank Sinatra.
Programming was a late love for Penny Herscher, who became interested in computer science during college.
Later, the attorney said Trump was motivated to cheat his client by a love for money.
All over the country, runners, walkers and spectators are showing their love for Boston.
But look around New York this week, and you'll see nothing but love for Boston.
In its current state, scratching requires an absurd dexterity and a love for mind-melting sonic distortions.
This seems particularly disingenuous as they talk about their great love for small business.
FORBES: It's Time to Put Up or Shut Up: Why Political Rhetoric Isn't Good Enough For Me Anymore
Not all publicity is good, though, and the company showed no love for Merriam-Webster .
When I say my Japanese side, what I mean is my love for Japan.
The most important ingredient, experts say, is willpower, and a love for the language.
But for the two of them, their love for each other was the consistent champion.
To me it's a no brainer because of his passion and love for the school.
And your courage and love for each other and your communities shines through every single day.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Presents the 2012 Presidential Citizens Medals | The White House
"I would love for all children to live in a happy, nurturing home, " she says.
We have a profound love for Internet culture and the people that make it up.
FORBES: Meet the Tech Blogger Who Moved to Nashville for a Nursing Job
Smith's optimism, his love for the job and his eye for youth is terrific.
At nearly five dollars a gallon, our love for Humvees cooled quicker than a bar-room romance.
Choplifter HD has been a labor of love for Fargo, who grew up playing the game.
FORBES: Game Veteran Brian Fargo Gives Arcade Classic Choplifter An HD Upgrade
But Vanguard was more than just a labor of love for two lifelong sailors.
These are prominent, aware individuals with a love for both their ancestral and actual nations.
And this, of course, is reflected in his incredible love for his own family.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Personnel Announcement
She's the kindest person I've ever known, and her love for me is steadfast and true.
The potential is huge, and it may be done with a greater love for the radio.
UNESCO: Batinova-transcript | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Allen is well known of his love for rock music, and especially Jimi Hendrix.
Nobody wants to watch some perfect family getting along, showing respect and love for each other.
So too, no one has expressed anything by love for Israel and the Jewish people.
We tolerate her awfulness because of her love for Kermit and the love we believe Kermit has for her.
We hope this playroom provides comfort, warmth and love for these very special families.
WHITEHOUSE: Austin��s Warrior Playroom: A New Space for Families at Walter Reed | The White House
We also shared a militant belief in the art of narration and a passionate love for Chicago.
Actually, I would love for them to do that with all the challenges and opportunities facing America.