At Oh My Love, Korea's biggest video chat service, avatars are quickly evolving from cute cartoonlike human figures into animations of moving lips, floating dragons and shooting stars.
Mr. BOBBY HATFIELD: Oh, my love, my darling, I hunger, hunger for your touch.
Mr. CROUCH: (Singing) Oh, I love you, I love you, I pray for you.
Okay, you're embarrassing me. (Applause.) I'm officially embarrassed. (Laughter.) Oh, I love you all too.
And then he started hitting and they are like, oh, we love Giambi.
As much as Apple would love for Kwon Oh-hyun to turn up at court and tearfully confess to being a copycat, that's probably not going to happen.
ENGADGET: Apple seizes on Samsung internal document as proof of mimicry
They have done so over the objections of every stubborn cuss who insists that his or her grandkids and great-grandkids must attend the old park just because I did and, oh, I love it so.
Oh we just love the echo chamber that is the internet these days -- some genius reads about something as harmless as a integrated security waver for cheap digital SD set-top-boxes and automatically predicts the end of clear QAM as we know it.
Believe it or not, back when Barack and I were first starting out, building our lives together, oh-so in love -- (laughter) -- still are, still are -- (applause) -- our combined student loan bill each month was actually higher than our mortgage.
Unidentified Woman: (Singing) Bring out all the love you hide and, oh, what a change there'd be.
Oh, you know how we love analysts here at Engadget.
ENGADGET: AmTech lays down two scenarios for anticipated 2GB flash iPod
Ms. LOVE: (Singing) Just because he doesn't do what everybody else does, oh, that's no reason why I can't give him all my love.
S. -Oh, purists, you'll definitely love the fact that you can now (finally) turn off menu bar transparency.
Oh Kickstarter, how would we embrace our love of retro RPGs without you?
FORBES: 'Torment: Tides Of Numenera' Doubles Its Kickstarter Goal
It's the spirit of peace, love, goodwill to mankind... oh, and it's tied into the launch schedule of a new movie.
Oh, digital gods, why must something I love enable something I hate?
Not all Republicans love Ryan, including House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) with whom Ryan publicly split on the matter of extending tax cuts.
"Oh, the guy gets the girl, they fall in love, happily ever after, babies come, I thought that was one way of being loved, " said Monroe, now 26.
Oh, here comes the age-old argument about how customers love getting better ads.
Oh men, how long will your hearts be closed, will you love what is futile and seek what is false?
Unidentified Woman: (Singing) Shepherd me, oh Lord, behind my heart, behind my fears, from death in your love.
"Oh, he's all right if you don't just expect him to love you any better than a family tea set, " was all the comfort my father could give me.