To be loved, baby, hard, at once, and forever, to strengthen you against the loveless world.
Despite 13 loveless years, Radha, played by the eminent actress Shabana Azmi, remains a model wife.
This may be because the readier availability of divorce in America has left fewer people trapped in loveless marriages.
Singer Patty Loveless, pedal steel player Tommy White and George Jones' former bandleader Ronnie Gaddis all began at the Jamboree.
It is locked in a loveless marriage that doesn't fulfill its needs.
Others still are child brides, forced out of school and into loveless marriages, often undergoing early pregnancies that put their lives at risk.
Even by the early 1970s this wholesome atmosphere had made the Jamboree somewhat anachronistic, says Patty Loveless, who as a teen started performing here.
Another disaster could hit Springfield residents particularly hard, said Colleen Loveless, executive director of Rebuilding Together Springfield, a non-profit reconstructing homes wrecked in the tornado.
The details of his life that have emerged so far suggest a lonely, loveless and circumscribed existence: no wife, no close friends, a cheap apartment.
In Leong's case, prosecutors dropped some counts of the original indictment, and state District Judge Brett Loveless further whittled down the package that went to jurors.
According to a story in the Los Angeles Times, Marilynn Loveless contacted Verizon a few days after her mother-in-law, Betty Howard, had passed away after a battle with cancer.
It accepts that divorce can be better than a loveless marriage, and that when couples choose divorce the pain should be minimised so that both partners can remain active parents.
With its characteristically detailed look at the pop-cultural detritus in a miserable late-night rest stop, "I-95" first appears to be just another Fountains of Wayne-ian look at someone's mundane, loveless existence.
But now the smell of victory is strong, So all the warring factions get along With factions that they loved then to disparage: They're bound up in a peaceful, loveless marriage.
Salcedo, born to wealth though not to the nobility, survives a loveless father, a mad wife and a liaison with his former wet nurse to develop into an astute and innovative businessman.
The comprehensive, if a bit unoriginal, piece, The Plight of the Single Lady by Jen Doll, details the myriad complaints of ambitious-but-loveless women, finally concluding that they should stop whining and decide what they want.
Celebrity bugged him in every aspect: the studio contract system, from which he rapidly escaped, the Hollywood gossip mill, from which he fled into long-term marriage, motor-racing and Connecticut, the loveless pressure for Oscars and nominations.
Unfortunately, Ms. Nixon's acting is part of what's wrong with the production, for she plays Vivian Bearing, the austere, loveless scholar of 17th-century poetry around whose terrible plight "Wit" revolves, as though she were a precocious schoolgirl rather than a full-grown, forbiddingly chilly intellectual.
WSJ: Wit | The Motherf**cker With the Hat | Into the (Spot)light | Theater Reviews by Terry Teachout