These armies of low-paid PhD researchers and postdocs boost universities', and therefore countries', research capacity.
As Thailand becomes more prosperous, it is getting harder to fill dirty, low-paid and risky jobs.
Yet the success of medical research is in stark contrast to the many low-paid jobs.
Spaniards had it good for so long that many will not consider low-paid agricultural work.
It has reduced social-security contributions for low-paid workers and eliminated contributions for home helps.
Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said the proposed changes would "protect low-paid" staff in the health service.
Like others in low-paid jobs, care-workers do not in the main belong to unions.
It was set up in 2005 to protect low-paid workers and oversees treatment of about 500, 000 workers.
The jobs created are few, short-lived and low-paid - and public revenues are limited by tax exemptions.
Another advantage is that reform could sweep a lot of low-paid people out of income tax altogether.
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Many commentators are now noting that it is not just people in traditionally low-paid jobs who are complaining.
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And take, as another example, Mr Brown's plans to help the low-paid without damaging the incentive to work.
Twenty years ago, foreigners, mostly low-paid workers from the Indian subcontinent, made up less than half the population.
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CLTs have been used in the US for years, enabling low-paid people to get on the housing ladder.
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Whether this was because hours shorten, wages fall or low-paid jobs displace well-paid jobs, they could not tell.
Many are not salaried Tepco staff but low-paid contract workers lodging in Iwaki, just south of the exclusion zone.
In American households with less than half the median household income, only 33% of adults have a low-paid job.
In very simplistic terms this put a pressure to keep low-paid wages low.
It proposes, among other things, tax cuts, especially for the low-paid: fair enough.
They also tend to reduce wage disparities between age groups and sexes, since low-paid workers are often young or female.
Consumers routinely give out their credit card numbers to low-paid telephone operators everyplace from L.L. Bean to the Home Shopping Channel.
The French government raised wages for the low-paid, a key demand of the protestors, who ended a general strike in March.
Others trap workers in low-paid fields such as child care, and some even signal to employers the holder's weak academic record.
It did mean, however, that even low-paid workers would have enough to pay into a personal pension to make it viable.
Changes to employers' national-insurance contributions will make it cheaper to employ low-paid workers, but costlier to employ people on high incomes.
But the main reason that women cluster in low-paid fields, the bank argues, is that they do not control their own time.
It has created caution in all parties that serves no-one well, least of all the claimants, who are mostly low-paid, female workers.
He said he would cut taxes for the low-paid and trim unemployment benefits, but he also promised to preserve the Swedish model.
The money was supposed to persuade parents who would otherwise push their offspring into low-paid manual work to direct them into training instead.
Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt said women were the most likely to benefit because they made up the majority of low-paid workers.
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