"The fact that there's a very young cluster of stars indicates that the intermediate-mass black hole may have originated as the central black hole in a very low-mass dwarf galaxy, "Sean Farrell, of the Sydney Institute for Astronomy in Australia, said in a statement.
The small size of the red dwarf stars, typically with spectral types K and M, gives a greater relative drop in brightness when low-mass planets pass in front of them, making it easier to search for planets around them.
ENGADGET: 9-gigapixel image of the Milky Way reminds us just how small we truly are
HDDs provide the majority of low latency mass storage in most enterprise storage environments and a denser storage device that requires less power to run will help reduce the costs of on-line and enterprise storage even lower than it is today.
Overall, if driven responsibly, a vehicle with all-wheel drive, decent ground clearance and a relatively low center of mass is best, confirms Champion.
This was a more efficient way to produce in mass at low price points.
FORBES: The New Manufacturing Lifecycle: An Interview With PTC's Hepplemann
The company found itself selling low-margin, mass-market beer to an aging and shrinking North American and British market.
Kazakhstan has additional obstacles: Cold weather, few tennis courts and a large land mass with low population density, which makes for expensive travel and greater difficulty in creating clusters of talent.
In the past we could rely on mass production, low quality but low cost.
The revenue generated by the auctions would be used for everything from training to green collar jobs to mass transit and low-income tax relief.
The new method that Fust now controlled allowed him to mass produce at low cost products that theretofore had been very expensive and time-consuming to produce by hand.
Low interest rates, a mass cancellation of policies (which eats into cashflow) and a sinking stockmarket (which eats into unrealised gains on their equity portfolios), already mean that they are suffering a severe shortage of available funds.
It unveiled for a sinister, fluttering moment a ragged mass of clouds hanging low, the lurch of the long outlines of the ship, the black figures of men caught on the bridge, heads forward, as if petrified in the act of butting.
FORBES: Has Sandy Capsized Your Life? Here's One Thing To Be Thankful For
One good side effect of low demand is that geese are not mass-produced on factory farms.
Thanks mainly to low overhead, tight cost controls and mass production, the company was able to keep Serum's vaccines priced lower than its competitors'.
We currently don't have a good term for EVs' distinctive concentration of mass, with batteries slung low as possible and centroid to the vehicle.
Rolex, as you might imagine, is considered low end here, a producer of mass luxury that is as ubiquitous as the Peugeots winding the streets.
With counsel from TIRC, tobacco companies began mass-marketing filtered cigarettes and low-tar formulations that promised a "healthier" smoke.
It keeps transit funding roughly at its current level, which mass-transit advocates say is far too low.
ECONOMIST: Infrastructure spending: A patch on the road | The
Low-income housing advocates are horrified, viewing the mass trailer parks as an expensive way to create refugee camps and to concentrate poverty.
The practice is at risk of extinction because of the decreasing number of master potters, low prices for finished goods and the increasing use of mass-produced containers.
Three rivals won a contest to build low-emission, 100-mpg cars that could be mass-produced.
There is the mass-market segment: bland, commoditised, low-margin, fast turnover, and unsavourily exploitative if you look too closely.
It follows claims that low-flying jets on a training exercise recently led to mass panic, with kittiwake chicks falling into the sea and drowning.
Jain: What we need in India -- and in other emerging markets -- is a low-cost access device which can make the Internet a mass-market service, a utility service.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Conversations: 'I Want to Make a Difference'
It would have involved manipulating mass psychology to calm a hysterical economy at a very low price, namely zero.
The authors of the study in Health Affairs conclude that existing sales taxes may be "too low to cause changes in calorie consumption" affecting the average body mass index, or BMI.
Low testosterone can affect sex drive, energy level, mood, muscle mass and bone strength.
Antiparos's easygoing locals, secluded beaches, proximity to (yet distance from) Paros and lack of mass tourism or any large hotel have kept things low-key.
Low margins will keep outsiders (including banks) from buying or marketing their way to mass distribution.
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It was reported that a low-flying jets taking part in training over the Farne Islands on Tuesday led to mass panic among thousands of nesting kittiwakes.