The long, low slung Sixteen, made entirely of aluminum, was named for the car's powerful 16-cylinder, 1, 000-horsepower engine.
Currently in its soft launch phase, the wooden-decked dance area on the sand is cordoned off from the regular beach, while the zebra print low slung sofas and armchairs in the bar are comfortable and elegant.
The low-slung structure, surrounded by a black iron fence, was once an aircraft parts factory.
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Ota is an unassuming place, a low-slung mix of back-street workshops, traditional bathhouses and modest apartments.
Vertically stacked headlights, a hexagon grille and a low-slung black border also make it easy to spot.
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We drove past the low-slung building that used to house the surfboard factory where Lopez lived with Springsteen.
To the north and east was Eilean Mhuire, the island low-slung and grass-topped.
All they wear are low-slung red shorts, sunscreen on their noses, flip flops and sunglasses if the day warrants them.
And Isla Fisher was spotted last year in her final trimester walking around in Los Angeles in low-slung jeans and a figure-hugging blouse.
Workers live and sleep in the same low-slung sheds, stepping down into 3-foot-deep trenches dug into the earthen floors to house the looms.
And contrary to some reports, he says the low-slung wings on the 737 do not prevent it being fitted with the larger GTF engines.
Facing the demands of a growing population and business district, the nation's capital is reconsidering a height limit on buildings that has defined the low-slung city.
It would surely be run close by the ghastly low-slung British embassy, now, amazingly, disposed of by some salesman of genius to a German telecoms group.
With the recurrent sickness and the problems with electricity and everything else, the sprawling, low-slung high school complex at the north edge of town had fallen into disuse.
Almost 70 feet long, with a low-slung white hull and a huge bowsprit sticking out in front like a narwhal's horn, it was unlike anything Gosnell had ever seen.
Dad was in his 80s, remarried, living in a low-slung suburban Southern California ranch-style house attended by a 24-hour caregiver who had for years been his aid and companion.
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Wright's Prairie Homes contrasted the grand edifices of the Chicago School with their modest low-slung horizon lines, flat roofs, overhanging eaves, unadorned open spaces and natural materials that mirrored the Midwestern landscape.
But regardless of division standings, the Cyclones and Yankees are a hit with families, school groups and dedicated neighbourhood fans who come to the low-slung waterfront stadiums to cheer them on.
Just over 20 meters long, with a low-slung white hull and a huge bowsprit sticking out in front like a narwhal's horn, it was unlike anything Gosnell had ever seen.
From the oddball postmodernism of the mostly conceptual Chicago Spire to the artfully low-slung eves of Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie Homes, Chicago's buildings do not allow you to pass by without telling their own stories.
With a low-slung design and a top speed of 115, it's perfect for scenic back-roads cruising (the motorcycle takes its name from the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, where earlier models were raced in the 1950s).
Big and tall guys like my six-ft. plus driving partner will still struggle with legroom and a low-slung roofline, but the average woman or man will be able to maneuver without cramped legs or bruised knees.
The Swiss use a variety of sleds, from crude wooden frames that go sideways as fast as they go forward, to low-slung sports models that look like a luge and can be steered by warping the runners.
The Steele winery is a world apart from his past corporate life, which is to say it's quintessential Lake County: a low-slung building just off of the highway, across from a purveyor of farm equipment and pet food.
Wisconsin's American Players Theatre did just that in 2009 when it opened the Touchstone Theatre, a low-slung, elegantly simple 201-seat indoor house located a stone's throw-and-a-half from the 1, 148-seat rural amphitheater where the company has been headquartered since 1979.
Jourden explains how the wires that clutter most contemporary bike fronts have been run ingeniously inside the handlebars, leaving one to admire the bike's clean, low-slung lines, painted in the handsome, scratch-proof matte black that distinguishes so many of their bikes.
We currently don't have a good term for EVs' distinctive concentration of mass, with batteries slung low as possible and centroid to the vehicle.
Gregg's left hand strums the rhythm guitar hanging from his neck, his right hand tickles another slung low behind his back, and his bare toes pound a bass guitar on the floor.